Mighty Step

Your Shield applies at an additional 50% power.

When any of your applied Shield effects are fully absorbed, you gain a stack of Resonance.
Shield: Gain (NaN%) healing in temporary health. Lasts 8 seconds.
Resonance: Your next weapon combo finisher triggers an additional effect based on your active melody. This effect will consume up to 3 resonance stacks to increase in power.

Deal bonus (50%) arcane damage and apply Shocked to each target hit.

Deal bonus (50%) bleed damage and apply Wounded to each target hit.

Heal a nearby injured ally for (80%) healing . Favors yourself and party members. Applies Glee at 3 or more resonance stacks.

Restore mana to a nearby ally in need equal to $statmod:Bard_ResonantWeapon_End_Pensive_AoE.Faddnostat$ + $statmod:Bard_ResonantWeapon_End_Pensive_AoE.F%magicalmax$. Favors yourself and party members.

Dispel up to 3 crowd control effects from up to (undefined%) undefined damage nearby ally and apply Pep.
Glee: You are amused by the wit of a bard. Gain NaN% Base Mitigation. Heal for (50%) Health every 2 seconds. Lasts 15 seconds and can be extended up to 30 seconds.
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