Beginner Bard Build in Ashes of Creation

Greetings glorious adventurer! Welcome to our guide on the Bard archetype in Ashes of Creation!
This guide dives into their core abilities, synergies, and effective playstyles, helping you create a Bard build for either PvE and PvP.
The build is an example for Bard, who can assist with healing the party and provide additional mitigation to the Tank. You may have to accustom your build depending on your party size, archetypes and content.
Cathartic Melody – Provides 25% lifesteal to party members. During this melody, you can use either Hymn of the Mind or Hymn of the Mind (AOE). Resonant Weapon will add Bleed as well as Wounded debuff.
Cheerful Melody – Increases healing done within the party and adds heals every 2 seconds. During this melody, you can add frost damage to your rotation through Chilling Lament or Chilling Lament (AOE). Resonant Weapon will heal injured group members. A good melody to start if you do not have a Cleric in your group.
Epic Melody – Increases the movement speed of your party. During this melody, you will be able to use Dark Lullaby or Dark Lullaby (AOE). The damage is based on the amount of debuffs are on the target at the given time (up to 5). Resonant Weapon will remove up to 3 CCs and apply Pep.

Menacing Melody – Increases the damage with 10%. During this melody you can add additional healing skill – Lovely Serenade or Lovely Serenade (AOE).
Pensive Melody – Restoring mana to the party. During this melody, you will be able to use Anthem of Alacrity or Anthem of Alacrity (AOE) – increasing attack speed and magical casting speed. Resonant Weapon will restore mana. The most desired Melody, since it is the most efficient way to restore mana during combat.
Maddening Dance – Removes 1 buff from an enemy target. The final damage tick will apply Humiliated.
Mesmerizing Dance – Can be combined with skills which apply Staggered (Discordance) to stun the target(s).
Nimble Dance – Provides movement speed and cleanses 1 debuff from party members.
Shielding Dance – Provides healing and shield to the near by party members. Mighty Step improves the provided shield. Once the shield is absorbed, you will receive a stack for the corresponding Resonant Weapon effect.
Use the skills mentioned bellow to unleash one of the ultimate arts of the Bard – Saga and Sagas: Volume II.
Red Masks
Chaos – Boosts the power rating of your party members with 104%.
Conflict – Boosts the magical critical chance of your party members with 6%.
Blue Masks
Destiny – Boosts the accuracy rating of your party members with 5%.
Wonder – Boosts the attack speed and casting speed of your party members with 4%.
Yellow Masks
Joy – Boosts the base mitigation and evasion of your party members with 3%.
Triumph – Provides 6% Maximum health points and 100% stamina regeneration.
Before using the Saga “The return to Verra" (tripple yellow masks), make sure you have used Nimble Dance. This will apply Glee on the friendly target – additional mitigation and healing.
Stamina Skill Tree
The Bard can boost up own and party members movement speed. Flourish is an amazing ability in terms of mobility. You can further increase the traveled distance with adding boosted roll.
Sprinting can assist with covering more ground when Flourish is on cooldown.
Blocking without a shield is not recommended.
Melee Weapon
First choice – Deadly Finisher: Bleed.
Second choice – Keen Edge.
Third choice – Deadly Finisher: Wound.
Since a Bard can have many forms of crowd control effects, it is worth considering Weapon Training: Disable Duration. Focus on proc rates and proc duration.
Use whichever weapon will provide the most magical power increase.
Range Weapon
Shortbows are good for the Bard because of their attack speed. You are interested in Finisher effects more than the damage output. More frequent attacks, more chances for Finishers.
Since a Bard can have many forms of crowd control effects, it is worth considering Weapon Training: Disable Duration. Focus on proc rates and proc duration.
Use whichever weapon will provide the most magical power increase until you get your hands on the highest magical power weapon, for level 20 and above – Blood Cursed Spellbook in Tower of Carphin.
Disclaimer: The process is slow! All items which are displayed below are obtainable. Armor and weapons mainly drop in various POIs. Recipes are dropping as well, therefor you can obtain higher rarity if you get high enough crafting skill and have the necessary materials.
If you enchant the suggested level 10 armor and jewelry, you would get better stats than unncommon rarity of level 20 items.
Mystic’s Leather Pauldrons+5 vs Rosethorn Pauldrons
1 Magic power increase provides the same amount of healing as it would 1 Healing power. However, Healing power is not boosting the Magic damage.
What kind of stats should you be looking for if you are a Bard and you want to perform well?
- Mentality – increases magical resis, magical critical avoidance rating, max mana
- Intelligence – increases magical power rating(equally adds to the healing as well), magical accuracy rating, magical penetration rating
- Wisdom – increases magical critical chance rating, magical casting speed, magical evasion rating
- Constitution – increases the maximum health points, armor, physical critical avoidance rating
Side note: Dexterity provides Physical Evasion Rating. However, the current stats and values are too low and it is hard to tell if Evasion (for both Physical and Magical damage) can be considered as a viable defense option.
In situations where you an get an upgrade with higher level or rarity item, focus on these stats, preferably in that order:
- Intelligence and Wisdom will improve your damage and healing output.
- Constitution will help you against physical damage and will increase your health pool.
- Mentality will help you with the mana pool and will reduce the incoming magical damage from PVE and PVP.
Final Thoughts
The Bard archetype in Ashes of Creation is more than just a support role—it’s the soul of strategy and synergy. Bards excel in buffing team performance, debuffing enemies, and controlling the flow of battle with their unique support abilities. Whether you’re boosting damage, improving defenses, or managing crowd control, the Bard’s versatile toolkit makes them a strategic powerhouse.