
30.0 Mana
30s Cooldown
Deal (275%) physical damage and apply Shaken to all enemies in a large area in front of you. If the target is Staggered, the effect is consumed and the target becomes Tripped. Deals 15% additional damage to Chilled targets. This bonus is doubled against Frozen targets.
Shaken: -15% Physical Mitigation for 6 seconds. Duration can be extended up to 15 seconds by subsequent applications.
Staggered: Reduces disable evasion by 25% for 6 seconds. Duration can be extended up to 15 seconds by subsequent applications.
Tripped: Can not move or act for 3 seconds.
Chilled: Movement speed reduced by 50%. Lasts 6 seconds. Duration can be extended up to 15 seconds by subsequent applications.
Frozen: Cannot move or rotate for 4 seconds.
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