Umbral Cloak

Umbral Cloak
90s Cooldown
Apply NSLOCTEXT("[1909495A4C2095068D406C9D33F90055]", "F8BAF7A849FBBD1F46536791801ED281", "Umbral Cloak")

Consumes NSLOCTEXT("[1909495A4C2095068D406C9D33F90055]", "DB02D3F742883AB0AEFE5789E0ECD798", "Advantage") to clear all damaging debuffs and crowd control effects, and put your character directly into stealth.
Umbral Cloak: 80% Magical Evasion. Lasts 8 seconds.
Advantage: You have gained the advantage. Certain attacks will consume this buff to gain powerful effects.
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