Crafting Calculator
Academus Monitor Gauntlets

Academus Monitor Gauntlets

Uncommon Heavy Armor Hands
47 - 50
12 - 13
Magic Resist
4 - 5
1 - 4
Necrotic Mitigation Rating
Heavy Armor Set Bonus
3 Pieces:
2% Base Mitigation
5 Pieces:
2% Healing Received
2% Disable Reduction
8 Pieces:
6% Base Critical Power
Academus Monitor Set Bonus
2 Pieces:
40 Max Health
3 Pieces:
8 Physical Power Rating
4 Pieces:
8 Armor
5 Pieces:
8 Necrotic Mitigation Rating
6 Pieces:
2 Strength
7 Pieces:
8 Magic Resist
8 Pieces:
8 Physical Penetration Rating
8 Physical Critical Power Rating
Prior to the invasion of Carphin, these gauntlets were worn by city campus guards.
Required Level - 20
Max Durability 31