25 Useful Tips You Should Know Before Playing Ashes of Creation

Updated: Feb 13, 2025
Bal Tine

Are you tired of the same old grind? Ashes of Creation is not just your typical MMORPG where the story feels predictable and static. With Reactive Gameplay, application, actions, decisions, and populations can depict where the story will go. As an adventurer, Doesn’t that ignite your courage to tackle all the conflicts and defeat enemies that get in your way? In this guide, whether you are a beginner or an experienced player. We will show you 25 Useful Tips You Should Know Before Playing Ashes of Creation!

25 Useful Tips You Should Know Before Playing Ashes of Creation

25 Useful Tips You Should Know Before Playing Ashes of Creation

This list will help you to enhance your gameplay and save time while traversing and strengthening your character in the beautiful world of Ashes of Creation. Let’s start with those 25 Useful Tips You Should Know Before Playing Ashes of Creation!


The first tip of 25 useful tips you should know before playing Ashes of Creation, resources are abundant so maximizing your inventory is the key. When purchasing novice-level bags, Only purchase lumberjacking and mining bags. The reason for this is resources can be placed on any type of bag and using the correct type of bag only increases the slot to 23 from 20 which is not groundbreaking. For Chopping trees, put them in the lumberjacking bags since logs are much larger compared to other resources. In other cases, put them in mining bags.

For Example, A Novice-Mining Bag includes 4 slots, each 2×2 in size, whereas a Fishing bag has the same slots but only 2×1 since Fish are 2×1 in size. So practically, You can store more fish in a Mining Bag compared to a Fishing Bag. Another thing is that a Mining Bag’s capacity is the same as a hunting bag but the common player would spend more time in mining than Hunting.

Rations for your Regeneration

The second tip of 25 useful tips you should know before playing Ashes of Creation, Always bring Rations. They are cheap and vital since they restore HP and MP when you are out of combat, reducing the time spent sitting to regenerate during farming mobs. Also, with rations you won’t need to always party up with a Bard or cleric to heal you.

Gear Repair

As the third tip of 25 useful tips, you should know before playing Ashes of Creation, know that all your weapons and equipment lose their quality during usage. Thus, Repairing it is essential. There is a repair button on the bottom left side of a dialogue window on any vendor. It is quite hard to spot but it is there. It will cost you a small amount of copper and silver but improves the durability of your weapon back like it’s brand new.


The fourth on the list of 25 useful tips you should know before playing Ashes of Creation. When you buy something from a vendor and your inventory is open at the same time. It will appear in your inventory after your purchase. Make sure that do not click RMB on the item since it will be sold back to the vendor. Also, after trading, close the trade window, open your inventory, and equip the item.

Secondary Weapons

If you are familiar with Duel Wielding in MMORPGs, Ashes of Creation Players can gain huge benefits using this mechanic, During combat, You can gain the same amount of exp for your main weapon and second weapon equipped. Additionally, You can gain stats from the second weapon even if you are not using it. Maximizing the weapons is crucial since you will never know when you will need to switch weapons.

Do not PK

Most of us are enraged with people who get in our way or want to get our attention. But, Don’t get intimidated since there is a huge penalty when you kill a player even if it’s a non-flagged player. It imposes a 25% stat dampening penalty and comes with the risk of losing 1 to 3 pieces of equipped gear if you die. There is no way out of this like unequipping your gear beforehand. So, Just don’t do it.


As part of 25 useful tips, you should know before playing Ashes of Creation. You have to learn about Commissions. Commissions are not the best way or most efficient way to make exp or gold. You could take them when they happen to be on your way but the rewards are not as great as farming mobs. But, If you enjoy the feeling of fulfilling a quest, Just click the “complete" in your quest journal once you are done. Eliminating the need to go back to the node.


When you arrive or happen to find a new location. Your first agenda is to find and Visit the Embersprings. Who knows what monsters and mysteries are lurking in the location that would kill you? Thus, Embersprings are a respawn point so make sure to visit one!

Low Level Gear

You don’t need to buy Low-level gear from a vendor. During your exploration and killing goblins which is a monster that drops all the starting gear, you could acquire all of the starting gear and you could complete the whole set of armor and jewelry without buying anything.


Part of 25 useful tips you should know before playing Ashes of Creation is about events. An event happens occasionally and rarely. Once you spot one, Make sure to participate since it is time-limited, The rewards are around 12k exp or more depending on the event. It is usually not difficult and consists of three phases. One example of an event is defending a Caravan from a goblin in the northeast of Lionhold. It is a good source of exp for your leveling needs.

Buff Scrolls

Laboratory sells useful consumables to boost your stats. It is found northeast of Lionhold. Also, Laboratories offer Buff Scrolls for 6 primary attributes: strength, dexterity, constitution, wisdom, intelligence, and mentality. It depends on your playstyle on what you will use. Also, There are non-combat buff scrolls. These are adventuring, gathering, processing, and crafting XP. But, Remember that One Scroll can only be active and each of them Last for 3 hours so make sure to use the one depending on your situation.


Food functions like Buff Scrolls, The Cookhouse is found the northeast of the Laboratory. The vendor there sells Fresh and Fruit Salads that once eaten by the Player, will give Physical Power and Magical Power respectively. Though, Its effect only lasts for 60 minutes and one Food Buff can only be applied at a given time.


I know some of the players will click so fast during the quest dialogue of NPCs. But, Don’t do that since some quests will have no marker on the map, and finding them without listening would be extremely tedious. Though, Some quests have markers some only have clues and hints during the dialogue so be sure to listen and read each one.

Jump and Dodge

In both PVP and PVE, Movement and footwork are vital in your strategy to defeat enemies. Using a dodge roll is reliant of course but there is a better way to gain distance from your enemy. Combine Dodge with a Jump to increase the distance covered. Also, don’t forget to use terrain advantages such as elevated cliffs during kiting. The Dodge Jump combination takes a lot of practice so try it out and use it to win with a style!

Artisan Gear

As part of 25 useful tips you should know before playing Ashes of Creation. Various vendors sell various types of Artisan Gear, It is a type of gear that can be equipped without removing the main gear and they are used for gathering, processing, and crafting. Make sure to purchase novice-level artisan gear. To view the equipped artisan gear, Open your character information and go to “Artisan" Tab


Did you know that Processing not only gives you Artisan Skill for Processing but also Adventuring Exp? Processing takes a fair amount of time but it does not require your active presence. So for a small fee, Processing can not only give you processed resources but also experience points which is a Win-Win situation.


As part of 25 useful tips you should know before playing Ashes of Creation. You should know about glint. During farming mobs, Glint would fill up your storage in a fair amount of time but you can combine it into a higher-quality Glint. To do this, click RMB on the Glint to convert it into a higher tier. The ratio for this process would be 10 Dull Glints can make 1 Dim Glint and so on.

Skill Trees

There are three types of Skill Trees: The archetype, stamina, and weapon skill tree. If you level up and reach a new adventuring level, You will gain 1 skill point each for the Archetype and Stamina Skill tree. Hence, If you reached a new weapon mastery level, you received 1 skill point for that weapon tree.

Never underestimate monsters and Be Careful

Several monsters in the game are quite underestimated but once they get their way you could die. Watch out for wolves and Bears. If they are equal to your level they can kill you if you are unprepared and not careful. Another monster is Goblin Shamans. They cast poison clouds that deal heavy damage. make sure to time your dodge and keep moving to not get hit.


If you die or relog. All your toggles will be deactivated. So make sure to always check them to prevent inefficiency.


Fishing is as tedious as it may seem but in Ashes of Creation, you can AFK while Fishing. Fishing gives you adventuring XP, Fishing XP, and Fish. To Fish, Simply find a body of water and use the Fishing Skill in the action bar. Then, You can leave your character and do something out of the game. However, 30 minutes is the maximum time for you to AFK otherwise you will be kicked out of the game so set a timer and move quite a bit for the game to not sense you as inactive.


There are various Archetypes. Some may feel comfortable to play at an early but some may tend to unleash their potential at a later time. At Level 12. you can test different abilities and decide on what archetypes you would focus on.


Since Ashes of Creation is not a finished game and is currently in development and Alpha 2 Phase. So bugs are supposed to happen here and there. To help make the game better, Type /bug in chat, and a bug report form will pop up. Fill out the Form set the priority and submit it. The sooner the bug is informed to the devs the quicker it is to be fixed and improve the gameplay of not only you but also to everyone enjoying the game.


Ashes of Creation is still an MMORPG, So it has repetitive missions, actions, and grinding to do. If you are bored with the game you could watch a movie while playing the game or play a podcast to stimulate your brain to something to prevent getting bored.

More Information

If you have made it this far, I hope you found 25 useful tips you should know before playing Ashes of Creation useful in improving your gameplay experience and reducing the mistakes even I made during my playthrough! If you find Ashes of Creation enjoyable make sure to follow Flanker on YouTube so you don’t miss his exciting news, playthrough, and groundbreaking tips for beginners in this massive MMORPG, Ashes of Creation!

That’s all for the 25 Useful Tips You Should Know Before Playing Ashes of Creation Guide! It is a long one. but it is surely full of information for beginners who are new to the genre and Ashes of Creation and want to maximize their time playing the game. Make sure to visit our website which contains different information that could guide you in your adventure. Join our Discord and visit our website for more exciting news! I hope we can meet in the world of Ashes of Creation and even play together! See you, Adventurer!