Beginners Guide to Crafting in Ashes of Creation

Beginners Guide to Crafting in Ashes of Creation
Crafting is one of the three main artisan classes within Ashes of Creation. Which are broken down into Crafting, Gathering and Processing. There maybe more to come in the future, but we are yet to know as we are still in the Alpha stages of the game.
In order to craft better items in Ashes of Creation, you will need to find recipes in the wilderness. It’s very different compared to other games where it is all RNG based.
If you press the P key, you can see the Artisan screen with all the recipes that you have found during your time on your character.

You will get a short introduction to crafting when you first start the game and go into the town such as Lionhold, but it doesn’t show you much and these crafting stations are used for the tutorial only.
You will need to head to the other main towns, such as Miraleth, Winstead, Halcyon, Joeva and New Aela in order to get full access to the crafting stations.
All the information within this guide is all from Winstead town, but all these stations can be found within any of the other main towns.

Weapon Smithing
Weapon Smithing is a crucial crafting skill within the game as it enables players to use the unique recipes that they have found throughout the world to craft very powerful weapons that a typical equipment vendor can not sell.
You can find the Weapon Smithing vendor located downstairs, right next to the armor-smithing vendor in the blacksmithing area. Simply interact with the station to view all the recipes accessible to you.

Arcane Engineering
Arcane Engineering allows players to create various devices that enhance their abilities and skills. This includes crafting survey pylons that improve skill efficiency for quicker leveling, as well as producing essential items like wands for mages.
This crafting station will be located upstairs of the alchemy building in the last room at the back.

Tailoring allows players to create cloth armor primarily suited for mages who prefer “light" armor. It’s highly advisable to level up Herbalism alongside Tailoring, as the two complement each other perfectly; for instance, gathering herbs like flax enables you to produce the thread necessary for crafting light armor. Wearing a complete set of this armor grants mages benefits such as quicker casting times and increased mana.
As you advance in Tailoring, you’ll also unlock the ability to craft large storage bags, which offer much more capacity compared to those available from equipment vendors.
This crafting station for Tailoring is located inside the building with the leatherworking station, you can easily see this building by noticing the leatherworking sign and the weaving station on the outside.

The Jeweler station can be found in the alchemy building on the lower level. Here, you can create a variety of jewelry, including earrings, necklaces, and rings. These items offer more than just a cosmetic look as they also provide benefits like increased Critical Power Rating.
Players can equip up to two earrings, one necklace, and two rings simultaneously.
This skill is ideal for players who love mining, as you’ll need to gather copper fragments and gems like rubies to begin. These resources can only be obtained through mining.

Scribing plays a vital role in Ashes of Creation, as it allows players to create various scrolls that provide different buffs, such as temporary boosts to stats or better experience rates for gathering and leveling.
Additionally, scribing lets you to craft a Guild Creation scroll, which allows you to create a new guild for your community, as well you can also craft a Guild War Declaration scroll, which allows you to challenge a rival guild.
You can find the scribing station conveniently situated within the alchemy building, directly across from the jeweler’s station.

Leatherworking is another important crafting skill as it allows a player to craft medium armour which is perfect for the Ranger class. We strongly recommend leveling up the hunting skill at the same time as Leatherworking as you can use the animal carcusses that you have hunted at the tanning station to create hide then use this to create the medium leather armour.
This station can be found just besides the tailoring station in the leatherworking building. Look for the weaving station outside and a large bear skin sign outside.

Armor Smithing
To become the go-to player in your town for heavy armor crafting, then you will want to take on the mining skill too, As the first step to creating the basic armour from the armor smithing station requires you to use primarly copper fragments. In order to create these fragments you will first need to find copper ore, which you can then bring to the metalworking station to transform it into fragments. Then you can bring the armour smithing station to craft this gear.
Heavy armor is particularly beneficial for tanks, offering much more resistance compared to medium gear and providing extra stat points which can give more health, which is vital for tanks.
The armor smithing station can easily be found in the blacksmithing corner, right beside the weaponsmithing station.

Carpentry is an interesting profession in Ashes of creation which matches the Lumberjack skill perfectly as you will need to use all different types of logs to craft a variety of different bows for rangers. The carpentry station doesnt just offer bows to be made though, it also other unique things to be crafted such as a caravan carriage. Which will be needed when you decide to move a shipment of cargo from one town to another.
In order to find the Carpentry station, look between the blacksmithing corner and the leatherworking area, where you will see the carpentry station just outside.

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