Beginners Guide to Gathering in Ashes of Creation

Beginners Guide to Gathering in Ashes of Creation
The gathering skills include Lumberjacking, Hunting, Fishing, Herbalism, and Mining. Each featuring its own unique progression system. As you level up these skills, you unlock access to rarer resources throughout the world.
To advance, you must achieve at least level 10 in the skill, which allows you to ask for a promotion on your certificate of that skill and grants you the ability to craft and use the next tier of tools.
If you are wondering what level your skills are at, you can press the P key to bring up the Artisan menu. This menu also shows you all the recipes that you have discovered and learned.

The Lumberjacking skill, also known as woodcutting, allows you to chop down various different tree types throughout the world.
Collecting logs is crucial since they are used to craft a variety of items, such as bows, axes, and even caravan carriages. Another key purpose to cutting down trees is that you can use them as fuel for any crafting stations.

Hunting gives you the opportunity to explore the wild in the search for all different types of animals. Where you can attempt to hunt them. (These will be the animals that have a white name and a crosshair symbol besides it).
Depending on the animal that you are going for, will determine the outcome if it can be used later for a tame or if you will be given the carcass, which can then be used for its skin or its meat.
For example, successfully hunting a bear allows you to take it to the animal husbandry vendor, where you can have the chance to turn it into a new mount for yourself or a tame that can pull your caravan carriage. Where as hunting a raven allows you to harvest its carcus, where you can make the decision to turn it into hide or use it for cooking.

Fishing in Ashes of Creation is going to be a very interesting and engaging skill once the game is at full release, but currently, the system is quite basic, which involves you simply casting your rod into the water, and it will automatically catch the fish for you, which can later be processed into fillets at a cooking station.
However, the developers have confirmed that players will eventually have the opportunity to use boats for deep-sea fishing, which will allow you to catch higher-tier and better-quality fish.

The Herbalism skill in Ashes of Creation allows players to use a sickle to gather different flowers throughout the world. These are extremely useful as they can be used for alchemy, cooking, and farming.
What sets herbalism apart in Ashes compared to other games is that you will discover different flowers to gather depending on the season that it currently is. Which is extremely rare and unique compared to other MMOs, we believe this will encourage more player interaction and create a better gameplay loop too.

Mining is a key skill in Ashes of Creation, since it’s a core ingredient for armorsmithing, jewelcrafting, and weaponsmithing. All ore has no fixed location within the game, so it’s highly recommended to collect any gems or ore that you encounter when exploring the open world.
As the nodes progress overtime, the more frequent higher tier ore will spawn. Ore will be used at the metalworking station to turn into fragments or can be taken to the stone-masonry station to create molds, ready to be used when crafting weapons and armor.

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