Complete Guide to Status Effect in Ashes of Creation

How are you all doing Ashes of Creation Players? Are you grasping how the game works, and how each user interface leads to it? Various Skills and Combat mechanisms exist in Ashes of Creation, If you already have an idea of what character you will be building to dominate your opponents and monsters, Good for you! If not, Here is another guide that we will be showing you to have a better idea of what build is the most effective depending on your class. Here it is The Complete Guide to Status Effect in Ashes of Creation! This will help you gain knowledge on the effects of your skills, equipment, or the debuffs the enemies will be doing to you. Thus, Helping you reach a new height of power! Isn`t that interesting? Let`s Go!
Complete Guide to Status Effect in Ashes of Creation (Status Effect Icons)
Here is a table of Status Effect and Diminishing Return Buffs with their respective icons for you to distinguish them just by looks! It is a great help to further understand how the status effect works!
Complete Guide to Status Effect in Ashes of Creation (What are Status Effects?)

In Ashes of Creation, Status Effects are considered as conditions that affect a Player and Monster. These effects can be improved or reduce the stats such as damage output, mobility, and many other stats. This has a major impact on the performance during combat. However, some skills are limited for each class thus the status effect. It means that you can only apply certain status effects depending on your archetype. But, keep in mind that you still can be affected by all status effect. Having a good understanding of the different status effects can help you win battles by applying countermeasures to them. So, Here is all the status effect that are currently in the game!
Complete Guide to Status Effect in Ashes of Creation (All Status Effect)

We will now discuss each status effect and what are the impacts of each one whether it is a positive status effect, Called a Buff, or a Negative one, Called a Debuff. Listen Carefully!

Bleeding is continuous damage that is 15% percent over 6 seconds. Totaling 90% percent damage over the status effect duration. The damage can vary depending on the skill that applies the debuff. It can evolve into a higher-status effect called Hemoragging.

It is a more severe type of bleeding that does 20% percent bleed damage every 0.5 secs over 5 secs duration. Totaling to a massive 200% damage.

It is also a type of DoT effect or Damage over time like bleeding and Hemoragging. It burns and deals fire damage to the target that lasts up to 8 seconds, It can be reapplied and increase the duration up to 24 seconds. There is an after-damage once the burn effect ends, It is called Conflagrating.

Conflagrating converts all the remaining burning damage on the target into an accelerated DoT, which lasts for 4 seconds. Also, the damage is boosted by 30%.

It is a movement debuff affecting movement speed to be reduced by 50% which lasts 6 seconds. It can be also extended up to 15 secs by subsequent applications.

A higher type of chilled. The user cannot move or rotate for 4 seconds. They are immobilized. When combined with a lightning skill during frozen, The target will receive 300% ice damage as a Shatter Effect. It can only be triggered once every 4 seconds per caster on the same target. Thus, Freeze the enemy and then dealing lightning damage to them is the combo for this effect

Volatile deals -15% Magical Mitigation. it lasts 6 seconds and can be extended up to 15 seconds with subsequent application.

It is chain that reduces movement speed by 25% per stack

The user hit by this effect cannot move for 4 Seconds

Once applied, the target has a reduced evasion by 25% for 6 seconds up to 15 seconds if reapplied consecutively. They are more prone in getting applied by other physical debuff effects.

Target cannot move or act for 3 seconds. This effect is not broken when the target also receives damage

Target cannot move or act. The duration depends on the skill that applies stun.

The target cannot attack or use a weapon combo in 5 seconds. But they can move.

It is a type of debuff that is used commonly by Bard Archetype. It can decrease the damage multiplier by 10% for 8 seconds, It can also be extended up to 20 seconds during subsequent applications.

It is an improved demoralization and reduces the damage dealt by 30% which lasts 8 seconds. the debuff effect does not affect the applier so it is best used in a group.

Heals the Power of the target by 60%. It is also applied by a Bard Archetype

A movement speed buff that increase speed by 20% for 5 seconds

An increase in base evasion for 50% that lasts 5 seconds.

The target is immobilized however if damage has been taken, The effect will be broken. It is a sleep effect but a certain skill that is used by the bard will not awaken the character it is called Dark Lullaby.

Reduces target`s evasion by 30% for 10 seconds

Reduces the target physical mitigation by 15% for 6 seconds and can be extended up to 15 seconds by subsequent applications

Once affected, it can disable healing. No archetypes can apply this debuff and only monsters can use it.

A ranger skill effect, Once applied the user is marked.

It reduces the magical casting speed by 25% for 8 seconds and can be extended up to 20 seconds by subsequent applications. It is a powerful debuff.

When Shocked, It increases incoming direct attacks, produces an additional 25% Lightning Damage, and consumes a stack. It lasts for 6 seconds

The target cannot cast any abilities whether physical or magical for 5 seconds

Reduces the physical attack speed of the target by 25% for 8 seconds. It can be extended with subsequent applications for 20 seconds.

Reduces the healing received by the target by 5% per stack. up to a maximum of 50% with 10 stacks. This debuff lasts for 15 seconds.

It is a type of buff when the bard uses Gambit, a mechanism that switches the bard’s HP to that of a target or vice versa, who has the lower HP. The character that loses HP will receive a Solace Buff in exchange. The Solace gives 5% increased in healing based on how much health was lost through the Bard`s Gambit.
Complete Guide to Status Effect in Ashes of Creation (Diminishing Returns)
As you may be wondering, Most of the status effects will surely impact your overall performance during combat. Thus, Is there a counter for that? The developers of Ashes of Creation have something to elevate the game to be more compelling. It is called Diminishing Return, It is like a resistance to that specific debuff. For instance, Once you get stunned, Your resistance or your diminishing return will increase against stuns. Thus, Making it harder to stun you the next time around. It prevents players from abusing crowd control skills and permanently locking you into place. That is boring and not competitive.

Snare and Chill Immunity

The player with this buff has the Immunity to snare and chill effects for 10 seconds.
Trip-Stun Immunity

Immunity to trip and stun effects for 10 seconds.
Incapacitate Immunity

Incapacitate immune for 10 seconds.
That`s all for our Complete Guide to Status Effect in Ashes of Creation! If you have liked this guide and want to check the status effect descriptions, Check out our Website, It includes databases, interactive maps, and quest locations for you to help in your adventures in Ashes of Creation! Also, Subscribe to Flanker and Join our Discord for more exciting news about the development of the most unique MMORPG, Ashes of Creation! See you there adventurer!