Firebrand Boss Guide in Ashes of Creation

In typical MMORPGs, There are enormous monsters that are unique like serpents, great apes, Sacred Witches, and much more that can add to the mysterious lore of each game. In Ashes of Creation, did you know that there is a Dragon that is Called Firebrand? This dragon is one of the world bosses that can be slain for epic loot. In this Firebrand Boss Guide, we will show you how to defeat it, strategies to discuss with your team and discuss the mechanics he has. My name is Crix and welcome to my Guide on how to defeat Firebrand!
Firebrand Boss Guide in Ashes of Creation – Firebrand Details

The first thing you need to know is the Firebrand Details. Firebrand is a dragon that is tiered 5-star. It is Level 25 with a health of 923,047. Almost a Million! Firebrand is also the current end Game boss. With that said, it also contains the highest-tier loot in the game.
Firebrand Boss Guide in Ashes of Creation (Location)

To start, this boss is located in the South Western corner of Winstead right outside the entrance to the Citadel of the Steelbloom. The respawn area is also near to the boss location, so that is a Plus when fighting the boss later on. However, To spawn the boss. First, you need to clear the quest entitled The Orb of Ultimate Essence.

You first need to fight inside the steelbloom and do a ritual. You will need to defeat enemies and assist the Lady of Rose in completing the ritual. Once completed, head back to the Citadel Gates and you will see a giant dragon flying down. This will be the start of your legendary story in defeating a dragon.
Firebrand Boss Guide in Ashes of Creation (Loot Table)

Since Firebrand is the end-game world boss for Ashes of Creation Alpha-2. The drops are the highest quality and contain Legendary Gear.
Item | Icon | Rarity |
Dim Glint | ![]() | Uncommon |
Glowing Glint | ![]() | Rare |
Red Dragonscale Shield | ![]() | Heroic – Legendary |
The Emberblade | ![]() | Heroic – Legendary |
Cindersinger | ![]() | Heroic – Legendary |
Corrupted Plate Breastplate | ![]() | Rare |
Firebrand Mechanics

The Dragon, Firebrand does not have a lot of skills and mechanics in this fight. The damage to each skill is massive, and some can one-shot you if you are not paying attention.

Just like any other fantasy games and bosses with tails. Firebrand can do tailwhip. The Dragon will do a turnaround and swing his tail 180 degrees in front of him, dealing a small amount of damage. This is the most minimal damage in his skillset.
Heavy Stomp

Firebrand stomps the ground with his giant feet and deals damage in an Area.
Fiery Stomp

Same mechanic as the heavy stomp, but it deals fire damage and burns anyone who is hit by the skill. To counter this, just debuff the burn effect by the bard’s nimble dance.
Fire Breath

A massive beam of fire that can one-shot you if you eat this whole beam of fire. Everyone should pay attention to the direction of the breath and its target. To reduce the incoming damage, just run out. Another trick would be to move to the back of the dragon as soon as he cast the breath. In this way, the firebrand will just cast it in front and everyone will be safe.
Flame Barrage

This one is another troublesome mechanic. Firebrand will occasionally put a Living Bomb on 6 players. The one who is affected by the bomb will experience damage over time. Not only that, It also blows up, dealing an insane AOE damage and leaving a big charred fire circle that also deals damage to whoever steps on it. To counter this, make sure to dispel the living bomb with the bard’s skill and do not dispel it while near others since it can be fatal to the party. Make sure to run out and dispel.
Bursting Pounce

Firebrand will jump and pounce on someone and deal a aoe of damage when landed. Just make sure the cleric and bard are keeping an eye on you when this happens.
Deep Breath

An aerial attack that can one-shot anyone if hit. It is a mechanic who will shoot fire in a straight line that deals an enormous amount of damage. It can be easily dodged since the animation is obvious, and you can see Firebrand doing it from a mile away.
Add Phase

This can happen three times during the battle. At 75% 50% and 25% Hp. Firebrand will fly away and tons of meteors will succumb to the area. Also, a handful amount of fire elementals will spawn, and you must nuke them because Firebrand will consume them once landed and gain an astonishing 2% dmg buff per fire elemental consumed. Also, during the Add phase, Firebrand can also the deep breaths, so be cautious and observant. To counter this phase, we start nuking the closest fire elemental and clear them as fast as possible while looking up.
Fury Flame

The last mechanic of firebrand, wherein he will channel and shoot a big circle of fire. He does this multiple times after the effect runs out and further back. So to counter this, Dodge the first ring then back to the melee range to dodge the second one. Another trick is stacking up and bracing for impact with the healing capabilities of Cleric and Bard. Bards casts popping shielding dance and Clerics pop Communal Restoration and Divine Flare to get that 50% Magical Mitigation up from Divine Protection.
My thoughts on The Firebrand Fight

This Firebrand Boss encounter is one of the hardest quests we have done, and the difficulty increase compared to other world bosses is massive. Just make sure that all your equipment, abilities, and skills are all ready. Strategize your positions with the team and plan on whoever will deal with the spawning fire elementals. Also, being observant watching out for breaths, and dispelling the Living bombs correctly without affecting others.

That’s all for this Firebrand Boss Guide in Ashes of Creation! Hope we have guided you and given you the confidence to conquer and become a Dragon Slayer. Hope for the best with this encounter! If you have liked this Firebrand Boss Guide, Subscribe my YouTube and Join the Ashes Codex Discord.