Metalworking in Ashes of Creation

Metalworking in Ashes of Creation
Metalworking in Ashes of Creation, which is also known as smelting, allows you to process raw materials such as Ore that you have mined into fragments, ingots and plates. The metalworking station can also smelt oak wood into charcoal.
The metalworking skill is primarily designed to be the “middle-man" by smelting your ore that you have mined into ingots/fragments, then using these processed goods at a refining station, which allows you to craft items such as new tools, armor and weapons.

Getting started
Now that you have had a short introduction about the skill, it’s time to tell you how to get started. But before you decide to start leveling the metalworking skill, we strongly recommend taking on the gathering skill too, Mining.
Mining and the Metalworking skill, work in sync perfectly as all the ore that you have mined can be smelted at the metalworking station.

In order to get started, simply head to any major town and locate the Metalworking station. Interact with it by pressing the “F" key, where you will see the first set of recipes that you can craft Copper Fragments and Zinc Fragments.

Add the resource you wish to use, such as Zinc, and click the “Fuel" button. Here you will want to select the amount of fuel that is required to process your ore. We always recommend using wood as it’s super easy to get, but it also counts as a high amount of fuel. Now click the craft button and come back when the timer is done and the processing is ready.
Batch Processing
If you are wondering how you can craft more than just one, you can click the Job Size button on the top right and select the batch you would like to craft (1, 5, 10, 25, 50, 100, 250). The only downside to this, is that you must have the exact amount of resources. You can not select a batch of 20 and bring only 19. You will have to do a batch of 15 and 4 separate batches of 1, in order to do this.
A novice metalworking station also only allows you to que 1 job a time. So we recommend doing big batches at once, then coming back when its cooked, to be the most efficient.

More recipes
In order to find and use better recipes at the metalworking station, it will require two things. One, you will need to be level 10 in the crafting skill.
Two, you will need to find a town which has an upgraded station called “Apprentice Metalworking Station". This station will reveal and show you all new apprentice recipes that can be crafted.

Metalworking Upgrades
Now that we have explained the general basics of metalworking, we strongly advise visiting a metalworking vendor. This vendor will allow you to purchase clothing. This can hugely benefit you.
Purchasing items such as a Novice Metalworker’s Shirt, will allow you to have the chance for a greater quantity of the resource or better rarity when it’s processed, which is very beneficial later on when you wish to craft better quality weapons and armor down the line at the crafting stations.

How To Progress Further
Once you have hit level 10 in metalworking, it’s time to find a town that has an independent plot called “The Smithy". The Smithy has an upgraded “Apprentice Metalworking Station" within the plot. Which allows you to craft and see the next tier of recipes.

Although you can not use the new apprentice recipes straight away as you MUST talk to the Smithy Foreman NPC in the plot and upgrade your metalworking certificate. This will allow you to reach level 20 in the skill now and also allow you to use all apprentice recipes.

Metalworking Recipes
Below is a list of all the recipes that can be crafted at the required level. Please remember you will need to talk to Smithy Foreman to get the required certificate of that level, and you must have access to the same level or higher station in order to use the recipes.
Novice Metalworking
Requires level 0 – 10
- Zinc Fragments
- Copper Fragments
Apprentice Metalworking
Requires level 10 – 20
- Brass Ingot
- Bronze Ingot
- Charcoal
- Copper Ingot
- Tin Fragments
- Tin Ingots
- Zinc Ingot
Journeyman Metalworking
Requires level 20 – 30
- Brass Armor Plating
- Brass Chain Mail
- Bronze Armor Plating
- Bronze Chain Mail
- Coke
- Copper Armor Plating
- Copper Chain Mail
- Iron Armor Plating
- Iron Chain Mail
- Iron Fragments
- Iron Ingot
- Molten Brass
- Molten Bronze
- Molten Copper
- Molten Iron
- Molten Rividium
- Molten Steel
- Molten Tin
- Molten Zinc
- Rividium Armor Plating
- Rividium Chain Mail
- Rividium Fragments
- Rividium Ingot
- Steel Armor Plating
- Steel Chain Mail
- Stellarium Ingot
- Tin Armor Plating
- Tin Chain Mail
- Zinc Armor Plating
- Zinc Chain Mail
Master Metalworking
Requires level 30 – 40
- Silver Ingot
Grandmaster Metalworking
Requires level 40 – 50
- Gold Ingot
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