Our Thoughts on the Caravan System in Ashes of Creation

In this vast world of Ashes of Creation, goods, resources, and other materials are transported through a Caravan. Nodes, which is like an establishment that is developed through the influence of players. Nodes require various resources to fully become functional thus this is where a Transporting Goods Vehicle comes into Play, The Caravan. In this guide, We will showcase Our Thoughts on the Caravan System in Ashes of Creation. What could it bring to the players’ gameplay experience and its rewards.
What is The Caravan System in Ashes of Creation?

The Caravan System in Ashes of Creation can be categorized into two, Caravan PvE and Caravan PVP. PvE Caravan consists of storyline quests, events, and commissions that relate to protecting the Caravan to its Location. On the other side, A Caravan PVP creates a competitive objective-based event in the world of Ashes of Creation, wherein Players will join a faction whether they are attackers of the caravan or defenders of the caravan. Either of the two will flag the player as Combatant.

Players that are in the proximity of the Caravan will be notified through a dialogue window whether they want to join the Caravan PvP as an attacker or defender. The goal of this competitive event is to safely escort the caravan that is full of materials for the node. Failure in safekeeping the caravan will destroy the goods inside it. In this guide, we will focus on the PvP Caravan side since many are not satisfied with the rewards and risks that the Caravan PvP provides. So, here is our detailed Thoughts on the Caravan System in Ashes of Creation.
Our Thoughts on the Caravan System in Ashes of Creation

The opinions and insights of the Community of Ashes of Creation in the Caravan System are mixed some said that there is a “High Risk" of being a Defender and a “Minimal Risk" for the Attackers. There are two options for a player to choose, They can sell the glint and receive gold without needing the caravan system but the reward is not that good. On the other hand, A Player can initiate a Caravan to deliver the goods which increases the bonus gold significantly. However, risks and potential contenders are attacking the caravan. Let`s discuss the player’s feelings about the caravan system in a Psychological way.
Uncertainty Avoidance

Players are anxious about the different aspects that a Caravan event would go, This includes getting attacked, ambushed, and other scenarios that may be unpredicted or unexpected. This feeling is normal and I will show you the tips on how to overcome them.
Loss Aversion Bias

It is a phenomenon wherein Players tend to play more in a “safe way". To them, It is better to not lose something than gain something. They tend to avoid risks and just do it in a normal way.
Negativity Bias

Negative Experiences tend to be remembered clearly by most of the players. Since it depends on the level of the negative experience and something could be even worse and be fatal to the overall experience of the players.
Our Thoughts on the Caravan System in Ashes of Creation (Tips for a successful and more enjoyable PvP Caravan)

As I have analyzed the risks and benefits of a Caravan PvP. I will guide you on what are the measures, strategies and actions you should take to avoid the negative experience discussed earlier.
Solid Decision-Making Process

Random Chaotic Decisions could lead to random chaotic outcomes. Being prepared and having a concrete and decent plan is the key to having a successful Caravan quest.
Realistic Expectations

Always not expect that everything will go smoothly as planned. This is where a Plan B comes into play. Always have a backup plan or expect that some scenarios will not go your way, and you must be mentally and strategically prepared for that
Dispersion of Outcomes

Always critically think about the probability of success and failure. For instance, A caravan has an average of 80 percent to be delivered successfully but keep in mind that in every 5 Caravans, the first one is the one who will fail and be raided. It could be randomized.
Accept the Reality

Don`t be depressed about a single experience and mop around. It is a game and it should be enjoyable, Sometimes you win and Sometimes you lose. The best part is how you can overcome your weaknesses and turn them into your strengths.
Our Thoughts on the Caravan System in Ashes of Creation (Defender Side Point of View)

Have as many defenders as you possibly can
Always expect that you will be raided. Having more players to defend will increase the chance to successfully protect the caravan.
Plan the Route of the Caravan

Before a Caravan Quest, Plan the route. The faster you would get to your destination the better. It also reduces the chance of being raided by someone nearby or there is a chance that a boss’s location is nearby your route and it could impose a danger to the caravan.
Intel and Scout for Information

Beforehand of initiating a Caravan, It is much better to scout the route, its nearby terrain, and cliffs to spot a potential threat that could happen during the Caravan.
Initiate a Caravan at a preferred and safer time

The number of players on the server could vary at any time of the day. It is much safer to do a Caravan when there are fewer players online and reducing the chance of a raid much further.
Decoy Caravan

It is discussed in the live stream that a Player can deploy a Decoy Caravan wherein it looks like it is full of goods but it is empty on the inside. Also, You can split half of the goods and deploy two caravans at your preferred time and sequence With this, The possibilities of strategizing a successful caravan intrigue and excite me.
Our Thoughts on the Caravan System in Ashes of Creation (Attacker Side Point of View)

Time in detecting a Caravan
Detecting a Caravan is not an easy task for an Attacker. Getting Intel or Information on a Caravan takes a lot of effort and you must be in the right spot at the right time to raid a Caravan. Cooperation with fellow attackers is also a must since you must also strategize on how to attack the defenders and successfully destroy the caravan
Fighting the Defenders

In the Live stream, the battle only took a minute and a half because of the lack of the healers of the defenders. In other scenarios, If the defenders have more healers then the battle could last longer and as an attacker, you should be prepared.
After the Battle

After the raid is successful, there are two options, One is to loot the remaining goods of the caravan which is the goods are not that great since they sell at a cheaper rate since it is flagged as stolen. the other option is to start the caravan as a defender. However, the previous defender can request reinforcements and raid you this time. Also, there is a potential third party on the lurk to also raid you so the risk keeps on increasing as the Caravan quest goes on.
Benefits of Raiding

Raids must be rewarding for the attackers once successful. It must be worth more than the gold acquired by killing and farming monsters. Otherwise, the Raiders will not spend a lot of time planning and participating in the raid.
Final Thoughts on the Caravan System in Ashes of Creation

For my conclusion on the Caravan System in Ashes of Creation, I might say that the balance would happen naturally. The development of the nodes and the Mayor of that node depends on whether a Caravan must be deployed to the node. If raiding a Caravan is quite easy, then the mayors will stop deploying a caravan or they could improve their defending strategies for the betterment of their location. I could relate this Caravan System to Supply and Demand. In Ashes of Creation, Resources are the number one focus to get stronger and achieve greater heights.

That’s all on Our thoughts on the Caravan System in Ashes of Creation. So let me ask you, are you willing to participate in this competitive event? Will you be an attacker or defender? Let me know by joining our discord, and maybe you could find a clan that suits you and will benefit you in playing Ashes of Creation! I hope you have liked this one! Also, visit our website and join our discord for more information regarding the game. Lastly, Follow Flanker on YouTube for more crazy content regarding the development and news of Ashes of Creation see you on the next one!