Tumok Boss Guide in Ashes of Creation

Updated: Feb 13, 2025
Bal Tine
Tumok Boss Guide in Ashes of Creation

World Bosses, an ultimate test of strength, strategy, and teamwork in Ashes of Creation. In this Tumok Boss Guide we will guide you on how to defeat Tumok, an ogre-type boss. We will show you his location. Loot acquired once defeated, and even strategies and tips for you to conquer this difficult challenge! My name is Crix and welcome to my Tumok Boss Guide!

Tumok Boss Guide in Ashes of Creation (Tumok The Wretched)

Tumok Boss Guide in Ashes of Creation ( Tumok The Wretched)

Tumok the Wretched is one of the World Bosses that can be encountered in Ashes of Creation, and is one of the first world bosses you will probably come across. He is an Elite 5-Star monster, Level 30 Elite Cyclops Mob. His appearance is like an ogre that carries a large tree.

Tumok Boss Guide in Ashes of Creation (Location)

Tumok Boss Guide in Ashes of Creation (Location)

The Location of Tumok is found in the northeast corner of Winstead, east of Gravepeak. Gravepreak possesses an Emberspring which is a vital piece in resurrecting when fighting Tumok. However, It is quite far from the boss’s location, so it is much better to wait for a resurrection from a Cleric instead.

Tumok Boss Guide in Ashes of Creation (Skills and Abilities)

Tumok Boss Guide in Ashes of Creation (Skills and Abilities)

Tumok the Wretched contains 3 Phases, Each Phase has its abilities that you will be dealing with and should be aware of.

Phase 1

Phase 1 Contains Physical attacks like slamming his tree and other skills that deal Physical Damage

Tree Slam

Tree Slam

It is a type of move where he slams the tree that he is carrying and deals damage to your tank, the one that is in front of him always. It can be easily negated by blocking.



He uses his big feet to charge someone. It deals 250 damage to clerics and Ranger from 96% health to 73%. Also, knocks down the target for 2–3 seconds. It is quite easy to dodge or just take charge since it does minimal damage



This skill happens after the charge. Which it swings its trunk and anyone hit within a radius will be stunned. It deals small damage but can be annoying sometimes

Spirit Roar

Spirit Roar

In this skill, he will summon a mob called Spirit Wolf, To deal with this just kill it as soon as possible since they can be easily killed and if you let it live long enough it will kill someone.

Spore Spray

Spore Spray

In this skill, Tumok will cast it 3 times and in a single line in front of him, Once you get hit by this, you will get a debuff called fungus spore which deals poison damage over time. However, It can be debuffed by a bard with his Nimble Skill also it can be easily dodged.

Phase 2

Phase 2

Tumok places his totem tree on the ground and it creates vines all around it. The vines produces healing caps for Tumok.

Healing Caps

Healing Caps

These are a mushroom that spawns within the vines that is produced by the totem. Make sure to kill them, and each one only has 10k Hp. A few ranger DPS and mages can do the trick and eliminate them. Tumok will eat the mushroom once he was able to, He will regain some of his HP

Tumok Gaze

Tumok Gaze

Tumok will lock on a single player and chase them. Once he gets a hold of them, he will stun them and deal minimal damage.

Tumok Gaze

To beat this phase, assign the ranger and other ranged attackers to focus on the spawning mushroom and also kiting Tumok. Also, To prevent the tumor from eating mushrooms, aggro him far away from the vines so the time to take the mushroom will be longer.

Phase 3

Phase 3

Tumok Enrages once the Totem is Destroyed. This enrages Tumok and empowers his skills

Stomp Frenzy

Stomp Frenzy

Tumok will shout and jump to a random target. Do an AOE spin around him. It’s easy to know who will be jumped based on his move, so make sure to use a dodge roll to avoid being stunned.

Enraged Charge

Enraged Charge

It is like a Charge from Phase 1 but deals way more damage, so be careful and time your dodge to stay alive.

Hammerquake Shake

Hammerquake Shake

He slams the ground and deals a lot of AOE damage. Take note that the more he does this skill, the more he slams the ground. For instance, the first time he does the shake, He will slam 3 times, and the next time, He will slam 5 times.

Hammerquake Shake

The tip for this phase 3 is to just kill Tumok as fast as possible since the more he is in enraged form, the more damage and AOE stuns he will be dealing that could be fatal to the party. So, Focus all your damage on him and kill him ASAP.

Tumok Boss Guide in Ashes of Creation (Loot Table)

There are various bountiful rewards once you defeat and kill Tumok. Weapons for each archetype and different recipes for crafting stronger weapons. However, This is only a chance and if you are lucky enough you could grasp a powerful weapon.

Tumok Boss Guide in Ashes of Creation (Loot Table)
Dim GlintUncommon
Dull GlintCommon
Greatsword of BriarhomeRare – Legendary
Longbow of BriarhomeRare – Legendary
Mace of BriarhomeHeroic – Legendary
Recipe: Greatsword of BriarhomeCommon – Legendary
Recipe: Wand of BriarhomeCommon – Legendary
Recipe: Longbow of BriarhomeCommon – Legendary
Recipe: Mace of BriarhomeCommon – Legendary
Recipe: Scepter of BriarhomeCommon – Legendary
Recipe: Shield of BriarhomeCommon – Legendary
Recipe: Shortbow of BriarhomeCommon – Legendary
Recipe: Sword of BriarhomeCommon – Legendary
Scepter of BriarhomeRare – Legendary
Shield of BriarhomeRare – Legendary
Shortbow of BriarhomeRare – Legendary
Sword of BriarhomeRare – Legendary
Tumok`s Tree BarkHeroic – Legendary
Wand of BriarhomeEpic – Legendary

Tumok Boss Guide in Ashes of Creation (Conclusion)

Tumok Boss Guide in Ashes of Creation (Conclusion)

To easily finish this world boss, One last tip is to let all the tank, and melee archetypes close to Tumok and also to the bard and clerics for fast healing and aoe Buffs that will withstand all the damage to Tumok. Also, let the ranger and ranged dps to finish the spawning mushroom and maintain distance while kiting Tumok. Keep in mind to kill as fast as possible the spawning wolves. Also. Dodge the charge and kill Tumok as fast as possible in the last phase.

Tumok Boss Guide in Ashes of Creation (Conclusion)

That’s all for our Tumok Boss Guide in Ashes of Creation. Make sure you have a Bard and Cleric for the heal and buffs. A Good Party and Good teamwork will provide good results and if you are lucky maybe you will get epic loot to further improve your combat power! If you have liked this Tumok Boss Guide in Ashes of Creation, make sure to subscribe to my YouTube for more Ashes content!