PVP Bard

Greetings, adventurer! Welcome to our PVP guide for the Ashes of Creation Bard archetype.
A few points to note down:
- If you are new to the archetype, check out our beginner guide, where skills are explained.
- The build and the equipment are set for the current end game experience. In other words – what you can aim for.
- The build is designed around group play(party/raid).
Before venturing into the build, please note that the pick order of abilities does not represent what you would need if you are still leveling. For that purpose, please check out our beginner guide. This build aims to provide a clearer vision for:
- the abilities which support your party(1-9);
- the CC and damage abilities(10-18);
- the final touches/improvements to the build(19-24).
What can you expect from this build:
You can support your party with:
Melody – Menacing Melody. At the current state of the game, the time to kill(TTK) is short. The quicker you take down your targets, the more assured your victory is. Pensive Melody would be required if the battle lasts longer. If there are 2 bards within the same group, the second melody should be aiding towards the goal of the party. Example – if your goal is to take down healers or negate their work – Cathartic Melody is valid option(Resonant Weapon).
Heals and Shields – Shielding Dance, Lovely Serenade, Quick Wit
Dispells – Nimble Dance
Buffs – Anthem of Alacrity and Hymn of the Mind.
You can assist in taking down your enemies by using:
Silence with Clever Retort.
Crowd Control abilities: Chilling Lament, Get Off The Stage, Marionette. If you manage to dive the enemy’s backline, you can pull off an AOE Stun by using Mesmerizing Dance and Dark Lullaby (AOE).
You can trip your target with Quick Wit thanks to Fierce Wit after you have used Get Off The Stage and Chilling Lament.
You can pressure your enemies with Discordance, Maddening Dance and Resonant Weapon.
The final abilities are to futher improve the build:
With Misdirection you can break free from CC.
Chaos boosts your damage significatly. You can have this buff 3 times.
Dance Mastery: Power will help you with setting up Mesmerizing Dance and Dark Lullaby (AOE) combination.
Music Mastery: Crescendo will boost your Melody.
Song Mastery: Harmony will boost up your Dark Lullaby (AOE).
One of the best way you can utilize the stamina is to synchronize your improved rolls with Flourish.
Melee Weapon
Currently, Two-handed swords provide the highest amount of power rating. Furthermore, Steel Great Spellsword has Constitution and Intelligence stats, which can be boosted if your server has a Journeyman Scriber. However, for this build, specifically, we are aiming to increase the critical chance rating along with the magical power rating. The combination of The Eye Of Carphin and Blood Cursed Focus helps in that direction without sacrificing raw damage.
- Staggered for deadly finishers. Dazed is good option if you prone to focus enemy’s healers or mages.
- Weapon Training: Critical Damage. Weapon Training: Penetration is to negate some of the enemy’s defenses. 4x Weapon Training: Critical Damage is an valid option as well.
- Rhythmic Swings for more frequent deadly finishers.
- Unstoppable force will increase your damage with 15%. To prolong the uptime of this buff, we need the 3 nodes – Weapon Proc Duration.
Ranged Weapon
Blood Cursed Spellbook gives the highest magical power and critical chance. Another option for Spellbook is Ancient Dunzen Spellbook. This one, however, increases the critical power, instead of the critical chance.
For deadly finisher (first node) you can choose to either apply Burning or Volatile.
It would be wise to leave the Chill debuff in hands of the Mages.
Since this build revolves around critical chance and power, Catalytic Projectiles is perfect option.
Different option for Ranged weapon is Steel Long Spellbow.
If you end up choosing the Long Spellbow, aim for:
- Stagger and Wound deadly finishers.
- Weapon Training: Disable Duration.
- Crushing Blows
- Bullseye and Double Bullseye
Important: The gearing process is slow! All the displayed items can drop, but to get them to legendary quality you will need the crafting recipe. It will require considerable dedication or help in order to achieve those crafts. Even if the materials are available, a town with journeyman stations will be required.
The Rosethorn set can be acquired from Citadel of the Steel Bloom.
The focus of the build is to increase the critical chance and, if possible, the critical power ratings in order to solidify the burst potential of the Bard. Bellow are given examples of jewelry which can boost the mentioned stats or different options if you would rather stick to the raw power (intelligence or magical power rating).
Whispered Thoughts provides the highest amount of critical chance and casting speed. If you would like to stay on the raw power track – Iridescent Iris. The Raven-Eye Earring combines both of the options, however, with lower stats(besides magic penetration). Sapphire Earring is the cheapest option.
Harrowed Stars Necklace should be the aim for the build, however there is no confirmation of how to obtain it. The stats of Lumadon Necklace works for both Physical and Magical damage.
If you want to stick to raw damage/healing done and be less dependant on criticals, you can choose Doomsday Necklace.
Ring of the Corvid Lord and Rividium Ring will provide the same healing output. Ring of the Raven Caller is more suitable for damage dealing.
Another option for ring would be Ring of Invocation if getting Ring of the Corvid Lord is not feasible.
Gearing tips
Tip 1: Do not immediately jump on level 20 items. Some level 10 rare items are worth enchanting and could still provide more than common or uncommon level 20. Especially if there is no Journeyman Scriber available. Head to our starting guide to check for the items, which are worth keeping/grinding for in order to boost up your character, until the meantioned items in this build are available for you.
Tip 2: General rule for weapons would be to always equip the combination, which will provide the highest power rating. Naturally, level 20 weapons will give more than those from level 10:
Forsaken Blades Sword vs Monitor Blade
Tip 3: Be mindful that some weapons (or gear), even in same level range can have very different power rating stats:
Iron Sword is slightly weaker than Steel Sword.