The Lazy Peon interviews Steven Sharif: Ashes of Creation
Updated: Mar 22, 2025
Drad mmo
The Lazy Peon interviews Steven Sharif, the man Behind Ashes of Creation. TheLazyPeon, known for his MMO Reviews and First Impressions, and Is It Worth Playing? series, might be responsible for the largest spike in popularity and worldwide attention for Ashes of Creation since the Kickstarter, and Alpha 2 Launch.
Almost five years later, TheLazyPeon had the opportunity to sit down again with Steven to discuss what has changed, where the team is at, and to answer some burning questions surrounding the future of the game. The following is a high-level breakdown of the hour-long interview.
Where Is Ashes of Creation Right Now?
The Lazy Peon interviews Steven Sharif, and he’s informed that Ashes of Creation is presently at Alpha 2 Phase 2, where stability, optimization, and performance are all on the agenda. From the game’s initial test phase later in 2024, the game has been steadily adding content and test scope. With over 130,000 players already tested, the development team is laboring hard to enhance the gameplay experience.
“I would say probably like 70 to 80% of the core gameplay loops are present, but only around 20 to 30% of content is fully implemented.” – Steven Sharif
The Unreal Engine 5 Debate
Most skeptics were in doubt as to whether Unreal Engine 5 would be viable for the creation of a massive MMORPG. Sharif and his team have developed a custom backend layer, however, to enable a large seamless world. The backend innovation has played a key role in preventing performance bottlenecks.
Massive Multiplayer Experience in Ashes
A defining feature of Ashes of Creation is its ability to support large-scale battles. Current siege tests involve hundreds of players fighting for control of nodes. This dynamic world-building system makes Ashes of Creation unique in the MMO space.
Pros and Cons of Ashes of Creation
When asked to evaluate his own game, Sharif acknowledged both strengths and areas that need work.
Rapid iteration and ongoing-feedbacks from testers.
A strong-foundation for combat and moment-to-moment gameplay.
A massive, seamless open world powered by Unreal Engine 5.
A process of transparent/open development where the gamers can shape the game.
The game is in active production, so it still has missing systems and lacking features.
Some players may find it misleading, thinking the game is closer to completion than it actually is.
“A lot of people forget that MMOs take a long time to develop, and we’re building Ashes from scratch.” – Steven Sharif
Why Transparency Matters in Game Development
Unlike many AAA developers, Intrepid Studios has adopted a highly transparent approach, allowing players to actively participate in development discussions. This has fostered a strong community but also means increased pressure to deliver.
The Combat System
While TheLazyPeon interviews Steven Sharif, TheLazyPeon emphasized that combat can make or break an MMO. Sharif acknowledged this and confirmed that combat has been a major focus. The team has been working closely with testers to refine moment-to-moment gameplay.
Lessons from Other MMOs
Comparing Ashes of Creation to Throne and Liberty, Sharif highlighted how NCSoft’s project had a 12-year development cycle. The lesson? MMOs take time, and patience is key.
Best Time to Join Alpha 2
When Should Players Join Alpha 2?
While The Lazy Peon interviews Steven Sharif, Peon asked about the best time for new players to enter the Alpha 2 phase, Steven Sharif suggested that Phase Three would be the ideal stage.
“Phase One and Phase Two are primarily focused on stability, optimization, and performance. Phase Three, however, is where balance, content, and questing will feel much closer to a completed game.” – Steven Sharif
For those who don’t particularly care about gameplay and prefer development, Phase Three’s experience is smoother with more stable systems and mechanics. That aside, releasing Alpha 2 non-NDA gives the player the ability to remain informed about development even when not playing.
“The reason we are doing this in an open-and-transparent way is, to give players a chance to offer feedback. Even if they don’t have an Alpha key, they can still observe and contribute to discussions.” – Steven Sharif
Challenges of MMO Development
Sharif also commented on how difficult it is to create an MMO, like how long the timelines were. He said that players are not used to waiting for so long to see a game’s development.
“Watching a game develop is not something the majority of players have the patience or interest for. MMOs, especially ambitious ones like Ashes of Creation, often take between five to eight years to fully develop.” – Steven Sharif
Sharif emphasized that one should have a clear vision in mind throughout the lengthy development process. Most MMOs start off with a clear identity but lose it somewhere along the way, sometimes branching off into survival game genres rather than sticking with their MMORPG roots.
“Keeping true to the core pillars of the game is crucial. Players want something that feels and plays like an MMORPG while also introducing innovative concepts.” – Steven Sharif
Has the Vision for Ashes of Creation Changed?
TheLazyPeon asked whether the core vision for Ashes of Creation had changed over the years. Sharif assured that while individual systems have evolved, the core identity of the game remains intact.
“We’ve iterated on many systems. Combat, for example, has changed fundamentally over time, from our early tests in Alpha Zero to now. But the vision of what we’re trying to deliver has never changed.” – Steven Sharif
Foundations vs. Content Development
One of the major talking points was the difference between laying the foundations of an MMO and adding content. TheLazyPeon speculated that the longest development phase revolves around system foundations rather than visual elements like biomes and quests.
Sharif agreed, explaining that much of the heavy lifting in Ashes of Creation’s development involves setting up foundational systems like networking, combat mechanics, and world-building tools.
“Once these core systems are established, content like biomes, quests, and art assets can be created much faster. We’ve reached a point in Alpha 2 where many core systems are in place, and now we’re focused on fleshing them out with content.” – Steven Sharif
He pointed out that while some major systems are still in development—such as Artisan Professions, Freehold housing, and the Node Siege system—the development team now has a clearer path forward for implementing content more efficiently.
“A lot of the content people are eager to see is being developed in the background. We just need to ensure everything works properly before it’s introduced to players.” – Steven Sharif
Graphics and Art Style Evolution
Graphics and Fidelity Improvements
When questioned as to whether graphics within the game would improve and continue to do so over time, Steven Sharif reassured gamers that graphical quality is very important to the game development team.
“People can watch our YouTube channel and look at how the game has evolved visually over time. It’s something that’s always being worked on. I want to make sure we distinguish between what style is and what graphical fidelity is, because they are two different things.” – Steven Sharif
Sharif clarified that Ashes of Creation leans towards a more realistic visual style rather than a heavily stylized aesthetic. “We don’t have a lot of heavy saturated colors or exaggerated designs. We try to be more on the realistic side—not ultra-realism, but still somewhat grounded.”
Regarding ongoing improvements, Sharif highlighted lighting as a major factor in enhancing the game’s visuals. “A lot can be said for lighting within a game. We are actively iterating on our lighting across all environments, especially in interior spaces and our time-of-day system. As that lighting changes, you’re going to see significant visual improvements in the world.”
The team working on lighting includes industry veterans who have contributed to titles such as Hogwarts Legacy. Sharif credited developers Chris, Gabe, Phili, Peter, Cody, and MCP for their contributions to refining Ashes of Creation’s visual fidelity. “They’re embracing the strengths that Unreal Engine 5 offers with Lumen, which will make a noticeable impact as development progresses.”
Distinct Art Style and Signature Fantasy Elements
A recurring concern among players has been that Ashes of Creation lacks a distinct art style. When asked if the team intends to give the game a more recognizable aesthetic, Sharif acknowledged the importance of signature fantasy elements.
“If we’re talking about iconic style that makes Ashes instantly recognizable, those elements will be introduced as we continue developing the game. You’ll see it in different player factions, NPCs, and unique environmental features.”
Sharif pointed out that fantasy-driven details, such as biomes, mounts, and architectural designs, will make Ashes of Creation stand out visually. “As we refine the world, you’ll start to see more unique foliage, crystal formations in the desert, and signature fantasy elements that distinguish our game from others.”
Lazy Peon brought up examples like Black Desert Online and New World, games that maintain a realistic art style while still being visually distinct. Sharif agreed, explaining that the art team is working towards achieving that same level of signature style. “It’s definitely in our plans. As we do additional passes on environments, props, and world-building elements, those distinct visual themes will become more pronounced.”
Looking Ahead
As development continues, Sharif reassured fans that graphical fidelity and artistic refinement remain a priority. “This isn’t the final version of Ashes’ graphics. Expect more improvements as we move closer to launch.”
Node Tools and Variation in Ashes of Creation
LazyPeon interviewed Steven Sharif, the game’s creative genius, about one of the most complex and most highly anticipated systems in Ashes of Creation—the Node System. This system, enabling modular, procedural cities that are diversified, has been rewritten several times since its creation.
“Six years ago, you posted a Dev diary of the node system tool enabling modular, procedural cities with a feeling of uniqueness" – TheLazyPeon
Sharif pointed out a concern within the community—that currently, there are only two or three different node layouts in the game up to stage three. Given that the goal is to ensure no two nodes are identical, the game would need over 510 different node layouts across all levels, not even counting racial building variations.
“Can you talk about how you can achieve this level of node variation? And is the procedural nodes tool still being developed?" – TheLazyPeon
“The node tool has taken a few different iterations since that video we talked about six years ago" – Steven Sharif
He explained that while the existing node tool works on a “cork system" that dynamically adjusts terrain and landscape for node placement, certain constraints had made the previous approach unfeasible.
“We ran into complications from that particular design about four years ago" – Steven Sharif
Currently, the game features two primary node layouts: the “Winstead node layout" and the “Myr node layout." However, the tool facilitates the design and implementation of multiple variations. Steven reassured that while the current focus has been on core mechanics rather than visual diversity, the system is in place to support future expansions.
“Right now, our focus has not been on visual diversity for nodes. It has been more around the fundamental core mechanics of the node structure." – Steven Sharif
Will Leveling Be Sped Up?
Some players have requested faster XP-rates since questing isn’t fully implemented yet. However, Sharif explained that the Alpha 2 environment is meant for long-term testing and won’t see major XP-boosts.
Expectations & Biggest Development Setbacks
Steven Sharif was a fresh face in the business when he began his studio. In the past eight years, he has built a huge team and led the ambitious venture, Ashes of Creation. Did he expect this to be this way, however?
“Did I expect this?"“I don’t think I did. I knew it would be hard—probably the hardest thing I’d ever done—but I didn’t realize just how difficult it would be."– Steven Sharif
He acknowledged that while game-development itself is challenging, his unique-position made it even more so. Unlike most industry veterans, he had to learn everything from scratch, catching up at an accelerated pace.
“I was walking through the crucible, doing the most difficult-thing without any prior-experience. I had to learn differently and faster than most who take this path."– Steven Sharif
“I’m incredibly impressed by the progress, the quality, and the team we’ve built. The community we’ve fostered and the experience we’re shaping for Alpha 2—it’s not the finish line, but it’s the result of years of hard work." – Steven Sharif
One of the most rewarding aspects of this journey, Sharif noted, was how true they had remained to their original-vision. But what about the setbacks?
“The biggest setback, I will say that the most difficult part of this process which also coincidentally is the most rewarding part of it, has been the open development process"– Steven Sharif
While transparency brought many advantages—allowing the team to test ideas, receive valuable feedback, and engage passionate-players—it also had its downsides.
“There are always doubters and those who try to tear down what we’re building. And when you’re managing a team of passionate people, that negativity can be difficult to deal with." – Steven Sharif
The biggest challenge wasn’t just criticism but ensuring the community truly understood what the project was about. He likened the development process to looking through a keyhole. Despite the struggles, Steven had no regrets.
“I wouldn’t change the transparent development process at all. It’s been the hardest part, but also the most valuable." – Steven Sharif
With a confident smile, Sharif made one final promise: “Imagine over the course of the next year or two years, how much further we will be from where we are today? This, right now, ashes of creation is the worst you will ever see it, going forward it will continue to improve, and it’s going to improve because of the efforts that the community puts in when it comes to providing feedback, and how to course correct, make changes, how to iterate, and create the remainder of Ashes"
Most Exciting Updates in 2025
As Ashes of Creation approaches its next major phase, Steven Sharif shared what he’s most excited about seeing in 2025.
Monster Coin System
Steven Sharif: “I am excited to see probably two things. I’m excited to see Monster Coins System. This system allows players to inhabit NPCs during specific events. We already have basic functionality in place. In fact, I’ve personally taken control of some raid bosses in past tests."
Lazy Peon:“Wait, so players will eventually be able to control raid bosses?"
Steven Sharif: “Absolutely. It’ll be super rare, but yes. Players will also be able to progress within the Monster Coin system, unlocking abilities for different monsters based on their success and progression."
This would be done in a similar way to a skill-tree, where players are rewarded with unique-cosmetics and bonuses for their accomplishments. The Monster-coins themselves would be of varying-rarity, with some granting mastery of lower beasts, and legendary coins granting mastery of high-level bosses.
Lazy Peon:“I guess these monster coins will have different Rarities. This one would probably be like a legendary right cuz it’s a raid boss. And you got more common ones which would be like normal mobs"
Steven Sharif: “Yep, yeah exactly that’s correct, that’s exactly correct!"
The second major feature Steven was excited about? Sieges and Relic Warfare.
Sieges and Relic Warfare
Steven Sharif:“The acquisition of relics—and how different nodes will fight over them—is going to create some really unique political dynamics on each server,"
Nodes will be able to house relics, making them a valuable-limited-resource. Other nodes will be motivated to siege rival territories to claim these relics for themselves, creating an ongoing struggle for power.
Steven Sharif:“I think this will lead to some fascinating political intrigue. Each server will develop its own history based on these conflicts."
Lazy Peon: “This sounds like fantastic content. I remember back in BDO (Black Desert Online), there were Siege podcasts after every war, with players telling their own perspectives on the battle. Seeing something like that in Ashes is going to be amazing."
And best of all? Sieges are coming in 2025.
Steven Sharif:“We’re introducing them in phases. The first iteration—Node Sieges—should be arriving at the end of March."
Initially, sieges will be tested on the Private Test Realm (PTR) with hundreds of players participating. Shortly after, the Node Destruction Phase will be introduced, where a defeated node will enter a ruin state.
Steven Sharif:“That ruin phase will create an open PvP battleground where players can fight over loot left behind from the destroyed node’s warehouse and accomplishments,"
Lazy Peon: “It’s a super cool idea, Very nice! it’s going to be cool to see these big unique features of Ashes coming together this year, see how it plays out"
The interview wrapped up with a last fun in-game duel, showcasing some of the combat-mechanics in action. While Lazy Peon and Steven fought, spells and skills flying across the battlefield, it was clear that the excitement for Ashes of Creation’s possibilities was greater than ever.
You can watch the full interview here:
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