20 Must Know Tips for Ashes of Creation Phase 2

Updated: Feb 13, 2025
Bal Tine

Phase 2 of the Alpha includes several changes, as well as improvements in the game. I am Flanker and I will show you the different tips and strategies to conquer your goals faster and more efficiently. In this guide, 20 Must Know Tips for Ashes of Creation Phase 2 will be discussed and shown to you so that you can keep up with the flow of the game. Let`s start this adventure!

20 Must Know Tips for Ashes of Creation Phase 2

Why these tips are important for your Progression in Phase 2?

20 Must Know Tips for Ashes of Creation Phase 2

These tips are required to be known since they can boost your game progress and achieve your goals faster. With these tips, Not only you can gain the upperhand over other players but also achieve more rewards and items along your playthrough. Let`s Start the 20 Must Know Tips for Ashes of Creation Phase 2!

Save your Glint

20 Must Know Tips for Ashes of Creation Phase 2

First on the list of Part of 20 Must Know Tips for Ashes of Creation Phase 2. As we all know, Glint is a way for players to gain gold at the start of the game. However, When nodes reach level 3. It will have the ability to unlock Caravansaries which enables players to buy Caravans with gold. Caravans provide more rewards than just selling glints so make sure to reserve your glints.


20 Must Know Tips for Ashes of Creation Phase 2

In Phase 1, the most profitable Caravan was the Green Cargo. It is sold for 2 blue glints per caravan. This could change in Phase 2 or not so make sure to store your glints for now. Secondly, Caravans are harder to ambush, destroy and require a lot better equipment and items to the attacking players. Alongside that, They are busy doing other activities so launching Caravans is much safer.

20 Must Know Tips for Ashes of Creation Phase 2

Next, the tip would be to take note of a developing node that creates a tier 2 woodshop. This shop is essential in buying Tier 2 Caravan Components which increases its storage to 12 slots providing more rewards at the same time. Make sure to always keep in mind that the rewards are also based on the distance between the departure node and the delivery location.


20 Must Know Tips for Ashes of Creation Phase 2

Upon reaching Level 10. when a Node reaches stage 3 or higher. You can become a citizen for that location through the town hall administrator. This provides benefits such as fees for nodes, election participation, access to certain NPC, and more. However, Taxes must be paid and the earlier you become a citizen for that node the less the taxes you will be paying compared to other players who became citizens at a later time.


20 Must Know Tips for Ashes of Creation Phase 2

Taxes are considered to be a burden for players. But in Ashes of Creation, it is a major investment for the development of the node. The gold accumulated is only for the improvement of the node. Thus Without Taxes, a node is practically dead.

Starter Gear

20 Must Know Tips for Ashes of Creation Phase 2

Starter Gear is much cheaper outside of Lionhold due to the taxes not included in the vendor. Explore the outskirts of the Lionhold and there you could find different vendors such as a Smithy, Hideworks, Textile Mill, Woodshop, and Stoneworks for your access to Starter Gear.


20 Must Know Tips for Ashes of Creation Phase 2

Consumables such as scrolls and foods are a great way to boost stats during the starting stages of your character. They don’t look like it but these are significant differences for the overall combativeness of your character for fighting enemies. Take note that Scrolls last for 3 hours and food for 1 hour so make sure to have a stock of them in your backpack.

Black Market

20 Must Know Tips for Ashes of Creation Phase 2

Part of 20 Must Know Tips for Ashes of Creation Phase 2 is about Black Market. Black Market is a significant vendor that sells game-changing items such as a crowbar for caravan opening, a caravan request beacon that enables the player to summon a caravan, a mount that has 165 percent ground speed that is on par with tier 2 mounts, and does not require training or tier 2 animal husbandry station. Lastly, A recipe for scrolls that can be crafted with journeyman-level certification. However, In Phase 2 they could be removed but it is good information for your faster progression.

Commission Boards

20 Must Know Tips for Ashes of Creation Phase 2

Commission boards are underestimated since reading the rewards are not that great but did you know that there are 4 Commission Types to be taken and each of them has significant rewards for different purposes.

Adventure Commission Boards

20 Must Know Tips for Ashes of Creation Phase 2

These are tasks for exploration or killing mobs. The rewards and exp are not that great but they can be taken simultaneously since they can be aligned with your travel path or farm location allowing you to complete them as a bonus reward.

Artisan Commission Boards

20 Must Know Tips for Ashes of Creation Phase 2

These are jobs for your artisan level that include gathering. when completed the player receives gathering exp and some glint. It is up for grabs if you are focused on leveling your artisan skills.

Hunting Commission Boards

20 Must Know Tips for Ashes of Creation Phase 2

This requires killing mobs. The rewards are better but you need a party to defeat these named monsters since a higher quantity is required to complete the quests. I hope these 20 Must Know Tips for Ashes of Creation Phase 2 are helpful so far…

Mayoral Commission Boards

20 Must Know Tips for Ashes of Creation Phase 2

This is located next to the town hall administrator. These commissions are not always available because they are only activated by the mayor. These quests grant XP, glint, and node currency. If the players complete them sometimes within a timer. The node gets a huge buff.

Node Currency

20 Must Know Tips for Ashes of Creation Phase 2

These are used for the development of the node. There are two ways to acquire this currency, Through Mayoral Commission Boards or by fulfilling buy orders. Requisition Agents are NPCs located in each node and their job is to take donations that are used for the development of the node. Rewards may vary from 1- 10 in order depending on the resources.

Node Vendor

20 Must Know Tips for Ashes of Creation Phase 2

Node Vendor sells green tier weapons and armor, recipes for enchanting scrolls, and green and blue cloaks for level 10 and level 20. These cloaks are popular with players since they give them stats. Node currency is used to buy items from the node vendor.

Settings and UI Customization

20 Must Know Tips for Ashes of Creation Phase 2

Part of our 20 Must Know Tips for Ashes of Creation Phase 2 is about Settings and UI Customization. All of us have different layouts of UI to make us comfortable while playing. Explore the Settings and change the layout of the UI depending on your preferences. Take your time. adjust to the newly designed UI for a better experience while playing Ashes of Creation.

Samia`s Hope

20 Must Know Tips for Ashes of Creation Phase 2

Samia`s Hope is a subserver within a server that is less crowded than Lionhold. It is an identical place for starting players since it also has to start vendors and quests that are the same as lionhold. The difference is that Lionhold has more players and that could lead to disconnection and game time loss which could be crucial. So it is better to start in Samia`s hope than Lionhold for gameplay improvement.

Ashes Codex Database

20 Must Know Tips for Ashes of Creation Phase 2

If you are new to MMORPGs and are overwhelmed with a lot of unique mechanics Ashes of Creation has to offer. We have created a database site at AshesCodex.com which contains different information found in the game and can be accessed by anyone. This will help you to get a good grasp of all of the required information to keep up with the game. Make sure to always check the website since it is updated regularly.

Ashes Market

20 Must Know Tips for Ashes of Creation Phase 2

Part of 20 Must Know Tips for Ashes of Creation Phase 2 are Ashes Market. Ashes Market is another website wherein players can interact and request item orders from other players through chat. AshesMarket enables players to filter the items they need without the need to spam the chat in the game. It is a tool vital since there could be more players in Phase 2.

Groups and Guilds

20 Must Know Tips for Ashes of Creation Phase 2

If you are a Solo Player in Ashes of Creation. Your progression is limited to a specific rate since there are a lot of things to do in this game. It is highly encouraged to join Guilds and Groups. It has a lot of benefits such as XP farming and access to different node spots around the map. Also, A player only has limited artisan skills so having another friend would be vital in gaining access to other skills. Don`t worry Community in Ashes of Creation is great and I have a lot of fun interacting with other players!

Gathering, Processing and Crafting

20 Must Know Tips for Ashes of Creation Phase 2

As I have said before, each player is limited to a certain Artisan Skills but these skills are crucial and a foundation in Ashes of Creation. I have created a 3 way video further explaining the Gathering, Processing and Crafting on my YouTube channel so if you are interested and can`t decide on what to take. Make sure to watch them.

Treasure Maps

20 Must Know Tips for Ashes of Creation Phase 2

In the live stream of Phase 2 news. The developers have said that Treasure Hunting and Treasure Maps will be available in Phase 2. It is quite exciting since it is a brand new thing to do in Ashes of Creation that could provide great rewards!

Gear Set Bonuses

20 Must Know Tips for Ashes of Creation Phase 2

There are several types of gear set bonuses in Ashes of Creation. Keep in mind that bonuses increase with the rarity of the set. Providing higher stats and buff.

Set Bonus A

20 Must Know Tips for Ashes of Creation Phase 2

This set is for Armor. Each bonus is for Light Armor, Medium Armor, and Heavy Armor.

Set Bonus B

20 Must Know Tips for Ashes of Creation Phase 2

There are additional stat bonuses for equipping the same pieces of the same set of armor.

Set Bonus C

20 Must Know Tips for Ashes of Creation Phase 2

these are from jewelry sets that are equipped on your character.

Archetype Buffs

20 Must Know Tips for Ashes of Creation Phase 2

Each archetype has a buff that can be passed on to different members of the party. Make sure to remind them to use the buff all the time. For example, Cleric has a blessed skill that regenerates mana. For a mage, An enchanted weapon increases the chance of procs of status effect. A bard is crucial in the team since they provide more buffs than any other archetype.

Bug Reporting

20 Must Know Tips for Ashes of Creation Phase 2

Part of 20 Must Know Tips for Ashes of Creation Phase 2 are about bug reporting. Bugs exist in Phase 1 and for sure as content and items will be added in Phase 2. There could be more bugs that would emerge. As a lover of Ashes of Creation. Its improvement will be needed for the game to be showcased to other players. To help with this, Make sure to type /bug when you have encountered the bug so the developers can fix it ASAP. Making a wonderful experience to every player of the game.


20 Must Know Tips for Ashes of Creation Phase 2

That`s all for this guide in getting ready for Phase 2 of Ashes of Creation. Are you excited about new content and even game-changing improvements for players to come back and play the game again? I hope that we can have more fun Playing in Phase 2 and continue to cooperate for the betterment of the game. If you have liked this 20 Must Know Tips for Ashes of Creation Phase 2 guide. Also, Don’t forget to join Discord for more exciting news about Ashes of Creation.