Best in Slot Fighter Gear Options to Farm in Ashes of Creation

Updated: Mar 17, 2025
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BEST Fighter Gear Options to Farm in Ashes of Creation

If you are a Fighter in the world of Ashes of Creation, This guide will tackle how to get the best fighter gear options and craft to increase your combat power and achieve greater heights! Even if you are not a fighter. you could also benefit from this by selling looted gear and gaining profit!

Fighter Archetype

BEST Fighter Gear Options to Farm in Ashes of Creation

A Fighter is a type of Archetype or Class in Ashes of Creation that dishes out a ton of damage during combat. Your role in a team fight is to be the DPS and like a barbarian that smashes anything in their way. You should be aware of the gear that you will be equipping and ensure that it maximizes the damage output your character can do for more enjoyable gameplay of a Fighter.

Monsters Location and Equipment Loot Details

BEST Fighter Gear Options to Farm in Ashes of Creation

Now, Let`s jump in on where to find the monsters that contain different best gears for a fighter. These chances of loot are not fixed and some may take multiple tries to get the gear highlighted.


BEST Fighter Gear Options to Farm in Ashes of Creation
BEST Fighter Gear Options to Farm in Ashes of Creation

This is a wolf monster that is under a tent-like structure. It is found in Highwaymen Hill. This wolf has the rare Helmet which could also be crafted and enchanted but you could get it without crafting by defeating this monster. It is most efficient to get the rare wolfen maw helmet so it unlocks the strength attribute.

BEST Fighter Gear Options to Farm in Ashes of Creation

Another Equipment is the rare quality beetle-plate helm and many players are using this as their equipment as level 20. You could get this in the pocket dungeon in the desert area.


BEST Fighter Gear Options to Farm in Ashes of Creation
BEST Fighter Gear Options to Farm in Ashes of Creation

It is found on the east of Halcyon and another wolf monster called the Bloodied. This monster drops a rare quality bloodied bone ring which gives a penetration rating that has a strength attribute. This battle is lengthy but is doable in solo battles you just need to time your skills to not die.

BEST Fighter Gear Options to Farm in Ashes of Creation

Another Equipment alternative is the Halcyonite Ring. It is also a rare ring quality that gives nice attributes and can be looted on any monster within Halcyon or the trading post.


BEST Fighter Gear Options to Farm in Ashes of Creation
BEST Fighter Gear Options to Farm in Ashes of Creation

The next best gear for a fighter is found in Befallen Forge which is found to the west of Joeva. It is a dungeon battle and you cannot solo this one so gather up your allies and look for the rare quality sorrow`s edge

BEST Fighter Gear Options to Farm in Ashes of Creation

Another alternative is the forsaken blade that can be crafted up to legendary quality and it is slightly greater than the sorrow`s edge with its bonus attributes.

Chest Piece

BEST Fighter Gear Options to Farm in Ashes of Creation
BEST Fighter Gear Options to Farm in Ashes of Creation

This one is a little bit tricky. Go to the southeast of Highwaymen Hill and you will find 3 different named enemies. Battle them and eliminate them and your goal is to loot 4 different quest items.

BEST Fighter Gear Options to Farm in Ashes of Creation

The 4 Different quest items are Ship Log, Ship Chart, Ship Spyglass, and Ship Anchor. Then let`s proceed to the next location.

BEST Fighter Gear Options to Farm in Ashes of Creation

Now head over to the tower of Carphin. Do not enter it just walk on the edges as shown in the picture and go to the center area of the lake.

BEST Fighter Gear Options to Farm in Ashes of Creation
BEST Fighter Gear Options to Farm in Ashes of Creation

In the center island of the lake, you will see something glowing and you will interact with it and use the 4 quest items to spawn the boss and other mobs. The trick here is to kill the mobs first then maintain distance while killing the boss. Beware of the boss`s skills and the poison area when it dies.

BEST Fighter Gear Options to Farm in Ashes of Creation

In this boss your goal is to loot the rare quality wreckless doublet 1 armor that gives great stats attributes.

BEST Fighter Gear Options to Farm in Ashes of Creation
BEST Fighter Gear Options to Farm in Ashes of Creation

Now, there is an option for a level 20 chest piece. Go to Graveyard Peak and battle Corax the crow. It drops the black feather tunic a rare quality and if you are unlucky this enemy also drops the materials needed to craft the rare quality tunic.


BEST Fighter Gear Options to Farm in Ashes of Creation
BEST Fighter Gear Options to Farm in Ashes of Creation

The location for the next piece of equipment is found in the middle of Emberspring Daragal Estates and Daragal Estates (Independent) Marker. It is found beside a bridge a lighthouse-like tower. Inside it is a boss that drops the necklace

BEST Fighter Gear Options to Farm in Ashes of Creation

Be careful when entering the building because it is guarded by 4 mushrooms that you will need to defeat. Head upstairs to the boss’s lair.

BEST Fighter Gear Options to Farm in Ashes of Creation

The boss is named Everlasting Sower. Your goal is to loot the Heroic Grade Everlasting Sower Bone Necklace and another option item called Rividium Necklace. A level 20 equipment and You could buy it from the market instead.

BEST Fighter Gear Options to Farm in Ashes of Creation

Best Fighter Gear Selection, in Slot and Stat Priority

These are the best fighter gear selections or options that can be crafted or looted through different mobs and bosses. Also, the other in-slot item attributes each gear has and the stat priority to fully maximize your growth as a fighter.

Fighter Gear Selection/Option

This table shows the different best gear a fighter can acquire through either crafting or boss hunting. Remember that the higher the rarity the higher the in-slot stats.

Item NameLocationLevel Requirement to be Worn
Steel SwordCrafting or Mob Drop from HumanoidsLevel 20
 Greatsword of BriarhomeDrop from Boss (Tumok the Wretched)Level 20
Longsight Bow Crafting or Mob Drop (Tower of Carphin)Level 10
Longbow of BriarhomeDrop from Boss (Tumok the Wretched)Level 10
Wolfen MawCrafting or Mob Drop (Highwaymen Hill)Level 20
Cloak of SunhavenPurchased from Academic Node Vendor in SunhavenLevel 20
Blackfeather TunicCrafting and/or Mob Drop from Corax (near Gravepeak)Level 20
Gryphon LeggingsCrafting or Mob Drop from HumanoidsLevel 20
 Rosarium Guard GlovesCrafting or Mob Drop (Citadel of the Steel Bloom)Level 20
Toren Scout BeltCrafting or Mob Drop (Befallen Forge)Level 20
Rosarium Guard BracersCrafting or Mob Drop (Citadel of the Steel Bloom)Level 20
Aelan Chainmail BootsCrafting or Mob Drop from HumanoidsLevel 20
Lumadon EarringCrafting or Mob Drop from HumanoidsLevel 20
Rividium NecklaceCrafting or Mob Drop from HumanoidsLevel 20
Bloodied Bone RingCrafting or Mob Drop from The Bloodied (Gravepeak)Level 20

Stat Priority For Fighter Archetype

This table shows your main priorities for building the best fighter stat that maximizes their damage output and dishes a ton of damage to combats. Make sure to prioritize the first from the table from the top and the least one (Bottom of the Table).

Stat NameStat Description
StrengthAs a fighter, Strength is everything. Each point for strength gives you 3 Physical Power Rating, 1 Physical Accuracy Rating, and 1 Physical Penetration Rating.
DexterityIt pairs up with strength, Each point gives you 2 Physical Critical Chance Rating, 2 Physical Attack Speed Rating, and 1 Physical Evasion Rating
ConstitutionThis stat helps you survive when facing enemies. Each point 10 Max Health, 2 Armor, and 1 Physical Critical Avoidance Rating.
MentalityThis stat is not necessary since Blood Fusion supports your mana but it is also useful when you put some points into it. Each point gives you 16 Max Mana, 2 Magic Resist and 1 Magical Critical Avoidance Rating
WisdomEach point gives you 2 Magical Critical Chances, 2 Magical Casting Speed Ratings, and 1 Magic Evasion Rating. This stat is not that necessary and will do benefit you the least only on survivability by a low chance
IntellectThis is your least important stat as a fighter and this stat is more suitable for mages and other mana-reliant archetypes.  Each point gives you 3 Magical Power Ratings, 1 Magical Penetration Rating, and 1 Magical Accuracy Rating

Additional Gear Information Tips

As a typical MMORPG, Ashes of Creation equipment and gear focuses on rarity. You must be aware that the higher the rarity the stronger a gear will get and the additional bonuses it may give you to further increase your combat power. These are all the rarities that can be crafted or looted from monsters and mobs.

Also, The higher the rarity, The more materials and gold are required to craft it. If you are a team player and enjoy playing with other adventurers. Make sure to communicate with them to better maximize your teamplay and conquer difficult challenges that come your way.

sword battle

That`s all for this guide on where to get the best gear for Fighters in Ashes of Creation. There are a lot of gear that can be looted all over the world of ashes of creation but, these are the ones that are worth grinding for. If you have liked this guide make sure to check my YouTube channel and join our discord for more updates about the game.