Patch 0.6.0 – CL-322482 is live!
Updated: Mar 14, 2025

AshesCodex has been updated with the latest patch. Find the official patch notes below.
There is also a new article on the official website about upcoming gathering system changes. Highlights include:
- Clustering of spawns to create a more realistic distribution (metal near caves, weeping willow near rivers).
- Dynamic rarity respawn instead of current static respawns.
- Survey pylons can identify rarer spawns and show spawns in advance.
- Tweaks to processing and crafting to allow for flexible processing jobs and make rarer materials more impactful.
- Gathering tools become equippable items.
These changes are currently scheduled for the 0.8 (April 10, 2025 ), 0.9 (April 24, 2025), and 0.10 (May 8, 2025) game updates.
Patch Notes 0.6.0
- Quest items now support stacking up to a maximum of 100
- Issues with events that players couldn’t complete have been resolved
- Map indicator locations for events now display correctly
- Notifications now properly appear for quests
- More commissions have been added to the Sandsquall Desert commission board
- “Staunch the Blood Blade" quest can now be completed
- Collecting the ingots for the “Burnt Ends" quest now correctly updates for the optional objective
- The Assassin Spirits that spawn during “The Last Moot" quest will now properly attack players
- The quest to kill Quick Teddie has been disabled for the time being
- The event “Ostracon Hunt" now correctly grants a reward
- Najash ambushes in the Sandsquall Desert now start correctly
- Players can now loot the reward chest at the end of the “Deathroll Pond" event
- Multiple players can now loot the Bonebinder ritual skeletons for the “Welcome to the Larder" quest
- Interacting with the chest for “A Wicked Intent" now properly grants rewards instead of a single Dim Glint
- The reward chest for the “Gatorator" Sandsquall event can now be opened
- The “Grubfiddle’s Notebook" quest can now be completed as intended
- The “Collect a Goblin Whipcracker" objective now functions correctly during the “Got Goblin Goods?" quest
- Optional quest loot now properly drops during the “Got Goblin Goods?" quest
- Characters can now properly complete the “Pillars Among Beasts" event
- Prismatic Beam – Fixed an issue causing the ice version of Prismatic Beam to deal double the intended damage
- Updated Camouflage and Arcane Eye to function with the new stealth system. Arcane Eye adjusted to now lower the stealth level of nearby enemies
- Adjusted base experience gain from monster kills to be calculated off of the direct contributor’s level rather than highest party member level
- Players who kill out-of-level monsters while in a party no longer receive experience, despite the levels of other members of the party.
- Example: A level 6 player will not receive experience credit for killing a level 20 creature, even if they have a party member who is level 15
- Fixed issues with the Service Building window
- Temporarily added a War Declaration cooldown
- In a future update, we are planning to add an energy based mechanic to War Declarations. A Node or guild will have a default amount of War Declaration charges, and after being used this will take time to recharge
- Fixed some incorrect Caravan component recipes
- Fixed a bug preventing materials from being deleted from the inventory
- Fixed an issue on the Vyra Realm that would cause some Commodities to have no sell value
- Risen Warhorns will now cast their ability “Battle Prayer – Resonance” as intended
- The zombie created by the cultist’s self-sacrifice ability will no longer disappear after 30 seconds
- Minotaur Disciples will no longer become stuck in a charging ability and be unable to path or take other action
- Najash Predators will no longer become stuck and unable to path when leashing
- Giant Scorpion’s tails will no longer clip through their own back while playing certain out of combat animations
- Flame Elementals will no longer deform unexpectedly around the chest during certain animations
- Continued iteration of the Sandsquall Desert including its terrain and population
- Various bug fixes to the Sandsquall Desert and its pocket dungeons
- Fixed issues with water not loading at a distance
- Improved lighting passes across Ursine Caves, Tower of Carphin, Communion, Stone Hold, Lost Heroes Sepulcher, Scarabsong Hollow, and Apothecarium Dreadmire
- Fixed issues where transitions between dusk and dawn that would have unnatural green lighting