PVP Cleric

Greetings, adventurer! Welcome to our PVP guide for the Cleric archetype in Ashes of Creation.
A few points to note down:
- If you are new to the archetype, check out our beginner guide, where skills are explained.
- The build and the equipment are set for the current end game experience. In other words – what you can aim for.
- The build is designed around group play(party/raid).
Deliverance is your go to single target heal. The ability can be held longer to provide bigger heals, which might not be ideal in clutch moments. Have Flash Cure at ready for those situations.
Purify will become one of your most used skills. Stacking debuffs is essential in order to do more damage to target. With this ability you may prevent death or buy time to heal up friendly.
Healing Touch may seem like a good idea for burst heal, unfortunatelly, you will end up too close to a party member, which can instigate Ranger, Mages or Bards to use their AOE CC abilities.
In terms of AOE healing, your go to abilities are Resplendent Beam and Communal Restoration.
Clerics can provide decent assist in clearing up enemies:
Save Divine Flare for the moment when the fighting will be concentrated in small area or a “choke point". With the two additional nodes(Divine Protection, Divine Retribution), this ability can turn the tides in your favor.
You can follow up with Consecrating Wave to help win quicker the skirmish. Restorative Consecrating Wave will provide additional AOE heal on top of the Divine Flare.
The build provides 3 ways of CC:
- Condemn – 30s CD; single target
- Divine Flare + Divine Retribution – 15s CD; AOE Silence. The targets within will not be able to use abilities, which greatly benefit the group farming.
- Chains of Restraint + Binding Chains – 30s CD; AOE Stun. The initial damage tick can root the target(s) if they have been Weakened.
Wings of Salvation with Unyielding Wings of Salvation is your CC breaker ability as well as your only mobility skill.
The main stamina usage of the Cleric should be for “evasive maneuvers". Ideally, the Cleric should not be in a position to have to block.
Melee Weapon
In PVP, Clerics will receive a lot of attention from the enemy. Having shield may help you live slightly longer. You have 2 options for scepters:
Djinnmagi’s Folly and The Eye Of Carphin. Both of them are fine choice. After level 5 enchanting The Eye Of Carphin will start pulling ahead with the healing output.
You can choose between 2 shields – Crystalized Blood Shield or Borneguard. Take the one which is easiest for you to acquire.
For weapon nodes:
- Take Stagger and/or Daze. Both of them have value for your team;
- Ward – to increase your chance to block;
- Weapon Traning: Critical Hit Avoidance;
- As per usual – increase the proc chance and proc duration;
- Rhythmic Swings;
- Unstoppable Aura will provide physical penetration to your party members. If you are in a “static" group with mainly magic damage orientation – pick up Consussion to increase the chances of applying Shaken on target.
Ranged Weapon
In terms of raw power Blood Cursed Spellbook is probably one of the best options for magic users. However, this book can boost your output only. Other weapons can provide survivability and buff to your party.
Both Longbow and Shortbow are viable options as well.
Steel Long Spellbow – longest range for auto-attacks.
- Stagger and/or Wound. Both of them have value for your team;
- Weapon Traning: Critical Hit Avoidance;
- Increase the proc chance and proc duration;
- Rhythmic Swings;
- Bullseye and Inspiring Bullseye
Steel Short Spellbow – fast auto-attacks and quicker cast times.
- Bleed and/or Snare;
- Weapon Traning: Critical Hit Avoidance;
- Increase the proc chance and proc duration;
- Rhythmic Swings;
- Bullseye and Inspiring Bullseye.
Important: The gearing process is slow! All the displayed items can drop, but to get them to legendary quality you will need the crafting recipe. It will require considerable dedication or help in order to achieve those crafts. Even if the materials are available, a town with journeyman stations will be required.
There is a light and a medium set which the healers can benefit from. There are heavy items, which contribute towards healing as well.
Rividium recipe and items can be farmed by several mob within major POIs – Remnants of Sephillion, Wreckage of Carphin.
Bloomwarden set can be farmed in Citadel of the Steel Bloom.
Rosethorn Set can be farmed in Citadel of Steel Bloom.
Here is the comparison between the medium, the light and the heavy sets:

In PVP, Healers are primary targets. In current meta, you are more likely to be attacked by Mage or Bard, which makes Bloomwarden set useful with its higher magic resist. Additionally, you will have higher magical casting speed, which is very needed in PVP scenarios.
However, with this set, you will become the number 1 target for Tanks, Fighters, Rangers and Rogues. If your frontline fail to stop them from reaching you, you will become pile of ashes, rather quick. Having shield equipped may not be enough.
The only response to that scenario is the Rividium set. Compared to the other two options, it has the least healing output capabilities. Thankfully, you do not require a lot magical power rating in order to top up a tank with 5-6k health points. With the base value of your gear – 110, the selected jewelry will bring another 122 and 254(259) from the weapon, which is more than enough magical power rating to fulfill your healing duties.
Gearing tips
Tip 1: Do not immediately jump on level 20 items. Some level 10 rare items are worth enchanting and could still provide more than common or uncommon level 20. Especially if there is no Journeyman Scriber available. Head to our starting guide to check for the items, which are worth keeping/grinding for in order to boost up your character, until the meantioned items in this build are available for you.
Tip 2: General rule for weapons would be to always equip the combination, which will provide the highest power rating. Naturally, level 20 weapons will give more than those from level 10:
Forsaken Blades Great Spellsword vs Rividium Great Spellsword
Tip 3: Be mindful that some weapons (or gear), even in same level range can have very different power rating stats:
Iron Long Spellbow is slightly weaker than Rividium Long Spellbow.