PVP Ranger

Greetings, adventurer! Welcome to our Ashes of Creation PVP guide for the Ranger archetype.
A few points to note down:
- If you are new to the archetype, check out our beginner guide, where skills are explained.
- The build and the equipment are set for the current end game experience. In other words – what you can aim for.
- The build is designed around group play(party/raid).
Ranger’s kill potential:
Vine Field is an amazing AOE skill. Well placed can ensure a victory for your team.
Once you have a target in your Vine Field, use Snipe at 20 or more meters (Heartseeking Snipe).
Barrage if your target is still alive or you are switching target.
You can silence an enemy with Thundering Shot if they were Dazed. Always make sure that you have Enhance Armament: Concussion on.
Once you have successfully Silenced your target, use Headshot.
Hunt of the Raven works well with both Mark of the Bear and Mark of the Tiger. Any mark can be placed while casting your Headshot.
When you are done with this rotation, do not forget to check your surroundings before taking on another target. Rangers are squishy and easy targets for the enemy. Verify your position and once you are not in immediate danger, you can continue with the devastation of your opponents.
Ranger’s escape tools:
- Air Strike;
- Call of the Wild and Unyielding Call of the Wild;
- Disengage and Reinvigorating Disengage;
- Party Stride.
Party Stride is a situational skill which could help you and your party to move faster to a location. You can use it when you are caught off guard and you have to move out quicker.
Utilize the stamina in order to stay on maximum range of your enemies.
Melee Weapon
The melee weapon should provide as high as possible physical power rating. Having strenght on it makes it even better.
What to aim for:
- Get Bleed and Wound for deadly finishers.
- Increased proc chance for finishers.
- Weapon Training: Crit damage
- Crushing blows
- Swordmaster attack speed buff and while it is active to have bonus damage.
- Concussion and Concussion: Flexible Finishers.
Ranged Weapon
Comparing the deadly finishers of Longbow and Shortbow, the latter provides more benefits to the Ranger’s toolkit. The fast-paced auto-attacks contribute to more finishers overall. This works well with Weapon Mastery: Bows.
Ultimately, it is good to have both type of bows in your inventory. Longbow for long range poke and hard hitting Snipe. Then swap to Shortbow for finishing off your targets. In order to do that, have both bows on the action bars and bind them with keys(e.g.: F1, F2). Currently, there is no penalty for swapping weapons in this manner.
Important note: Snared and Chilled share the same CC immunity.
There are 2 options for Shortbow – Steel Shortbow and Crystalized Blood Shortbow. The former provides higher amount of power rating, accuracy and penetration, while the latter gives higher attack speed and critical chance.
- Get Bleed for deadly finishers.
- Increased proc chance for finishers.
- Weapon Training: Crit damage
- Rhythmic Swings
- Arrowstrom
Best option for Longbow is Crystalized Blood Longbow.
- Get Wound for deadly finishers.
- Increased proc chance for finishers.
- Weapon Training: Crit damage
- Crushing Blows
- Heartseeker
Important: The gearing process is slow! All the displayed items can drop, but to get them to legendary quality you will need the crafting recipe. It will require considerable dedication or help in order to achieve those crafts. Even if the materials are available, a town with journeyman stations will be required.
There is a set which the Rangers can pursue in Tower of Carphin – Bloodrunner.
However, if you are into crafting or part of a group which can craft specific items for you. This way, you can end up with more raw power, compared to the Bloodrunner set. Of course, that would be for the sake of defense stats.
There are 4 options for medium gear designed for physical damage dealers.
Here is the stats comparison:

Gearing tips
Tip 1: Do not immediately jump on level 20 items. Some level 10 rare items are worth enchanting and could still provide more than common or uncommon level 20. Especially if there is no Journeyman Scriber available. Head to our starting guide to check for the items, which are worth keeping/grinding for in order to boost up your character, until the meantioned items in this build are available for you.
Tip 2: General rule for weapons would be to always equip the combination, which will provide the highest power rating. Naturally, level 20 weapons will give more than those from level 10:
Tip 3: Be mindful that some weapons (or gear), even in same level range can have very different power rating stats:
Brass Longbow is slightly weaker than Bronze Longbow.