Fishing in Ashes of Creation

Updated: Nov 19, 2024

Fishing in Ashes of Creation

Fishing in Ashes of Creation in this current alpha state isn’t the best, but the foreseeable future for this skill is going to be amazing from what the developers have promised. It doesn’t just offer the traditional, lake and river fishing, but they have promised to give us deep sea fishing, which will be perfect when you are out of combat and sailing around on your ship.

In order to start fishing, you first must get a fishing rod. This can be easily obtained when completing the “the sweat of your brow" side quest at any of the starting towns.

You can check if you have a crude fishing rod by simply pressing the H key on your keyboard. This will open up your character screen, then by selecting the artisan tab, you will see the fishing rod on your character.

How to Fish

As we are in such early stages of the game, you do not actually need any bait at the moment, so this means you are ready to go and fish! So empty your inventory and let’s get going.

Find a lake or river that you like the look of and head to that location. It’s now time to pull your rod out. Myself and many others were very confused about how to do this as the game gives you no explanation, but it’s a simple case of opening your skill tree with the “K" and clicking the skill book.

Here you will see the fishing section. It has the fishing skill and the fishing pylon skill too.

If you wish to use a fishing pylon which can boost your fishing skill by enhancing your fishing efficiency, then you will need to craft one from the Arcane Engineering table.

But, drag the Fishing skill into your hot bar and head to the lake.

Click the spell, and it will pull your rod out and cast it into the water. Now it is a waiting game.

As we previously mentioned, fishing is at a very early stage, so this means you do not actually need to do anything but wait. Your character will automatically fish and you won’t need to press any buttons.

The bar at the bottom of your screen does not mean too much except once it’s at the end, you will have the chance to either capture a fish or not.

If you have successfully captured a fish, open your bag and click on the materials tab. You will see the fish located here. It will continue to keep fishing without stopping, so you can easily walk away to cancel this or just keep fishing and be semi-afk.

What To Do With Your Fish

If you are done with fishing, then you will be wondering what to do with the fish that you have just got.

Fish can be used primarily for cooking, but alternatively, then they can be used at the Arcane Engineering station to create survey pylons, but also be used for the town jobs too. Exchanging your fish and completing the jobs will earn you tokens. These tokens can be used to purchase all sorts of items from the town vendor, such as an excellent cloak.

If you wish to cook the fish that you have caught, then head to any major town, where you can locate a cooking station. Using this station allows you to turn your fish into fillets. Which can then be turned into a recipe of your choice.

That pretty much covers the basics of fishing on Ashes of Creation in this current state.

Fishing Progression

As you are fishing, you maybe wondering if there are any benefits or upgrades to fishing? Well, yes, you can catch a whole new variety of different fish, but this will require level 10 in this skill to craft the next tier fishing pole. However, if you just want a new shiny fishing pole that has better durability and a better speed increase rate, then you can head to a fishing station within a town and craft the Novice Fishing Pole.

As the nodes progress and the crafting stations upgrade, the next tier of tools will become available to craft for players, such as the Apprentice Fishing Pole. This will give you a chance for better fish such as salmon. Which of course will be needed for even better cooking recipes.

In order to craft and use the next tier of fishing pole called the “Apprentice Fishing Pole", you first need to reach level 10 in the skill, you will then be eligible to promote your artisan skill certificate for that skill at the Fishing NPC. Acquiring your new certificate will allow you to use the new fishing pole recipe. This will replace your current fishing pole instantly, so you are ready to go and catch a whole new range of fish.

If you wish to promote your current Fishing certificate, then head south of Winstead and talk to the Cookhouse Executive Chef as shown in the images below. Talking to this NPC will allow you to upgrade this, and you should be able to catch better quality or different fish when this system is in place. 

Lots of changes will come to fishing, but it’s just a waiting game. We were told there would be no auto fishing and deep sea fishing, but we currently have a very bland system due to being in an alpha state of the game. So we will wait and see what happens.

Here below is a video on how to fish in Ashes of Creation

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