Herbalism in Ashes of Creation

Herbalism in Ashes of Creation
Herbalism is a core gathering skill within Ashes of Creation. This skill allows players to gather a wide variety of herbs and flowers from the open world, which can then be processed later on into a wide selection of items.
This skill is extremely important as there are so many different crafting stations that require herbs and flowers from the herbalism skill. Which ranges from cooking, alchemy, farming and weaving. For example, if you wish to craft better bows or light armor, then you must process flax into linen thread at the weaving station. But as herbs do not have “set" locations. These hold a higher value, which means crafters will always be after these items.

Getting Started
In order to get started with this skill, you first must get yourself a sickle. This can be obtained once completing the starting zone side quest called “The Sweat Of Your Brow”. You will be given all the basic artisan tools, such as the Crude Herbalism Sickle.
If you are unsure if you have obtained this, you can press the “H" key and click the Artisan tab. Where you can see it here. As seen in the image below.

Once you have got the sickle, you are nearly ready to get out there and get gathering! But beforehand, get yourself to any vendor in a main town and purchase yourself a Novice Herbalism Satchel. This allows you to have even more space for the herbs and flowers that you find.
As seen in the image below, it gives you 4 additional slots to store your herbs.

Now you are finally ready! Head out into the wildness, and you can start exploring and looking for herbs to gather. Sadly, as there is no fixed location for these herbs to spawn. We strongly recommend using our heat map feature that we have on our interactive map to find a rough guidance of where these herbs can spawn.
As you will be level 1 in the skill and will start with the Novice certificate. You can only actually gather and cut 4 different herbs.
- Daffodil
- Flax
- Snowdrop
- Wilted Snowdrop
Wilted Snowdrops and Flax are alot rarer to find, although Daffodils and Snowdrop flowers are actually very common to discover, and you will notice multiple patches of these that will spawn next to each other, so you can gather loads of them at once.

What To Do With Your Herbs and Flowers
Now that you have gathered the herbs and flowers, you may question what I exactly do with these resources. Well, there are multiple purposes. One of them is that you can take your herbs to townboard jobs and hand them in there, which can benefit upgrading the node.
If you discover the herb Flax, you can take it to the weaving station. Where you can process this into Linen thread. Linen thread can then be used to create a variety of different items, such as light armor, fishing rods, bows, satchels and scribing scrolls.

Another reason why Herbalism is such a key skill, is that the flowers and herbs can be used at the cooking station, to create spices. These spices can allow you to craft all sorts of different cooking recipes, such as grilled steaks and stews.

If you are interested in Alchemy, then this is another reason you will want to level up your herbalism skill. The alchemy station gives you the ability to grind the flowers and herbs down into powder. Allowing you to craft all sorts, which range from salves, potions, scribing scrolls and even crafting wands.

Then lastly, if you are interested in leveling the farming skill. Then we recommend heading to any farming station in a main town. Using herbs such as daffodils with a combination of droppings (which can be dropped by beast enemies). You can turn these ingredients into mulch. Mulch can then be used in farming to create items like apples and wheat.

How To Progress Further
Now that you have learned how to level your herbalism skill and what to do with the herbs and flowers that you have found. It’s time to explain what you can do next in order to advance your skill.
In order to advance your skill from a Novice to Apprentice, you will first need to reach level 10 in Herbalism. You can press the “P" Key and click the Gathering tab, which will show you the Herbalism level that you’re currently at.

We understand leveling to 10 on any artisan skill takes alot of time and can be very tedious. This is why we recommend getting a few things beforehand to help you level faster.
The first item we suggest you create is the Novice Herbalism Sickle. This sickle significantly boosts your gathering speed, which will benefit you massively in the long run. We recommend crafting it first since you can make and equip it right from level 1.
Head to any Herbalism tool station in a town, and you will see the recipe there.

The next item we suggest picking up the Novice Herbalist’s Shirt. When you manage to come across a herbalism vendor. This shirt significantly boosts your speed and conveniently fits under your armor, allowing you to gather herbs without the hassle of constantly equipping and removing it.

Once you reach level 10, you will notice you can not actually gather any more experience. But this is great news. It’s time to upgrade your herbalism certificate.
To upgrade your herbalism skill, you will first need to find a town that has an Agricultural Supply plot. This allows the town to have an apprentice herbalism, farming and animal husbandry station.

Visit the Agricultural Supply area and find the Agricultural Supplier. This NPC can upgrade your herbalism certificate from Novice to Apprentice for free.
Once you have spoken to the NPC, you will now be able to craft the next tier sickle called the Apprentice Herbalism Sickle.
If you interact with the Herbalism Tools station in this plot, you will notice the new sickle is there and eligible to be crafted by you.

With your new certificate and apprentice sickle in hand, you can now reach level 20 in this skill. More importantly, you’ll be able to harvest two exciting new herbs: Moonbell and Giant Bluebells.
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