Hunting in Ashes of Creation

Updated: Nov 22, 2024

Hunting in Ashes of Creation

Hunting is a skill in Ashes of Creation that allows you to hunt and capture all different types of animals out in the wilderness. This can vary from Ravens all the way to Gryphons. Depending on the animal you capture, you will either get its carcass, which can be used, typically at a tanning or cooking station, or you can obtain the whole animal itself and use it for animal husbandry.

As the game is still in Alpha, it is to be expected many changes will come to how hunting works, especially with how you “hunt".

Firstly, before you go off out hunting. You will need to make sure you have a Crude Hunting Bow, which can easily be checked by going to your character screen with the “H" key on your keyboard and clicking the artisan tab. If you do not have the hunting bow, then you will need to complete the starting zone quests such as “The Sweat of Your Brow", which will give you all the basic tools to get started.

Once you have got your hunting bow, it’s now time to go off into the world and go exploring. You are looking for any animals that are in white writing with a crosshair icon next to them. As you can see below.

Here is a list of some of the animals that you can hunt straight away at level 1:

  • Grem
  • Horse
  • Bear
  • Raven
  • Wolf
  • Pallas cat
  • Spider
  • Horse

At this current time, during the development of the game, the animals that you can hunt do not move at all. So you can simply walk up to it and press the “F" key. Which will begin to do a petting animation.

Once this is complete, it will obtain its carcass, ready to be processed into something further.

However, depending on what you hunt, the outcome can be different. For example, if you attempt to hunt a Bear or a Pallas Cat. You won’t always get the carcass, but you will get the animal itself. Which is used for animal husbandry.

What To Do With Your Hunted Animals

Now that you have hunted some animals, you are probably asking yourself, what do i do with all of this inventory. Well, there are a few key purposes that we know of which they can be used for, such as animal husbandry, cooking or the tanning station. You may also notice they can be used for townboard jobs too.

The Animal

If you have obtained the animal itself, such as a bear, you can actually take it to the animal husbandry station in the town.

For the price of some fuel, the animal and some silver, you can have the chance to turn your animal into a tame for yourself to ride or a tame that can pull caravans, which can help benefit you when you move cargo from one town to another. But this will all vary depending on the percentage of the possible outcome.

The Animal Carcass

If you have managed to hunt something like a Grem and got the carcass of the animal, it can be taken to the tanning station. Where you can skin the carcass with the possible outcome of Grem Skin, Animal Fat and Bones.

These can then be used for a variety of things, such as the skin can be used at the leatherworking or the tailoring station. Where you can craft either light or medium armor. Bones can be taken to the Arcane Engineering station to create pylons and spellbooks and then the animal fat can be turned into oil.

Another alternative you can do with the carcass of the animal that you have hunted, is that you can take it to the cooking station, where you can turn it into butchered meat, ready for all different kinds of recipes.

What To Do Next And How To Progress

Now that you know what to do when you have hunted an animal, it’s time to keep going until you reach level 10 in this skill. We understand it is a tedious and slow process, but you can actually craft the Novice Hunting Bow with no requirements from the Hunting Tools station.

This upgrade gives you a Hunting Speed Increase, which can help you get to level 10 faster.

Once you have reached level 10, you will now be able to get the Apprentice Certificate for hunting. This is a huge deal, because as long as a town has the hunting station upgraded, you can unlock and craft the Apprentice Hunting Bow, which will allow you to hunt way bigger and better animals.

One of the locations that we found to promote your hunting certificate that is guaranteed, is south of Winstead. Where you can locate and talk to the Cookhouse Executive Chef as shown in the images below.

This should cover all the basics of hunting skill, although we do expect much more to come in later stages of development, such as a better way to capture the animal and artisan skill trees that can have benefits to being a much higher skill.

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