Lumberjacking in Ashes of Creation

Updated: Dec 15, 2024

Lumberjacking in Ashes of Creation

Lumberjacking, also known as woodcutting in Ashes of Creation, is a core artisan skill just like mining. It allows you to cut down a variety of different types and sizes of trees. These can then be processed to make timber, woodchips, warp and charcoal.

The reason why Lumberjacking is a super important skill, is that all the wood you gather is required to pretty much craft anything within the game. If you are planning on crafting a new set of tools, more cargo for your caravan or even a whole new carriage, then it will all require wood from the lumberjacking skill.

Getting Started

Now that we have given you a short introduction to lumberjacking, it’s time to get yourself a Crude Lumberjacking Axe, so you can be ready to start cutting down some trees.

To get yourself started, you will first need to complete some of the quests which are given to you in the starting zone. You are mainly looking for the quest “The Sweat Of Your Brow". As this gives you all the basic tools to get you started.

If you are unsure if you have got the lumberjacking axe already, you can simply open up your character screen by pressing the “H" key on your keyboard and clicking the artisan tab.

Once you have got the axe, it’s time to start cutting down trees for wood. As trees are literally everywhere, it shouldn’t be a problem for you to find them and start cutting them down. The main issue that you will realise later on is that you will need a particular type of wood later on for processing.

This is where our interactive map is perfect. It shows all the locations of where you can find these trees.

Here is a list of trees that you can cut at level 1 as a Novice Lumberjack:

  • Ash
  • Eastern Hemlock
  • Oak
  • Weathered Oak
  • Western Larch

To cut the tree itself, it’s a simple case of walking up to the tree and pressing the “F" key on your keyboard. This will allow your character to go into a tree cutting animation, where it will cut the tree down. Once successful, the wood will go directly into your inventory. You will also notice trees can give you more or less yield depending on the size of the tree itself.

As seen below, here are two images of the same tree but different sizes.

What to do with the Wood

Once you have finished cutting trees, it’s now time to determine what you do with the wood exactly. The first place you can take the wood to is the Requisition Agent by the Storage Clerk in any major town. Tasks here can require wood. Once completed, this can help advance the town and node.

The wood that you gather can also be used as a good source of fuel. Fuel is required when you want to use any crafting station, as wood is very fast and easy to get, it can offer a high amount of fuel per 1 wood, which is highly recommended when doing big crafts.

If you want to process your wood that you collected, then you will need to find a lumbermilling station. You can then turn the wood into either timber or woodchips.

Timber can be used in many crafts. This can range from beams, planks, saw dust, boards, tools and weapons. Timber can also be used to craft caravan carriages and wooden crates, which will be needed when you want to travel with large amounts of cargo.

Woodchips, then this can be turned into Mulch for farming or Paper which is used for scrolls, guild war declaration scrolls, treasure maps and spellbooks.

Alternatively, you can also use your wood at the weaving station, where you can craft Warp, which can then be further crafted into items like a farming basket.

How To Progress Further

Now that you know how to lumberjack in Ashes of Creation and you know what to do with the wood that you have gathered. It’s now time to explain what you can do next.

To progress further and be able to cut better trees such as Weeping Willow. You will need to reach level 10 in lumberjacking. This can take alot of time, so we recommend getting a few items beforehand, which can help speed up the leveling process massively.

The first item you will want to craft yourself is a Novice Lumberjacking Axe at a Lumberjack Tool station in any major town whenever you get enough resources (mainly copper fragments). This axe allows you to chop trees at a faster rate, which allows you to level faster.

We also recommend speaking to the lumberjack vendor and purchasing yourself a Novice Lumberjack’s Shirt and a Novice Lumberjacking Satchel. This will allow you to have more storage for your wood and wearing the shirt will give you an even higher gathering speed rating. Which ties perfectly with the Novice Lumberjacking Axe.

Novice Lumberjack Survey Pylons are good too, but as they are for a temporary use, we recommend purchasing them later on when you are ready to start crafting, as they increase the chance of getting better quality wood.

Once you have hit level 10 in Lumberjacking, it’s time to find a town that has an independent plot that contains a Woodshop. The Woodshop have a Lumberjacking Tools – Apprentice station. Which allows you to craft the next tier axe called the Apprentice Lumberjacking Axe.

Although you can not use the axe straight away. You MUST talk to the Woodshop Foreman NPC in the plot and upgrade your lumberjacking certificate first. This will now allow you to reach level 20 in your lumberjacking skill and also allow you to cut Weeping Willow trees down.

This will cover all the basics of Lumberjacking. We understand we are still in the Alpha state of the game and changes could happen. Which we will continue you to monitor and update in the future.

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