Ultimate Gathering Guide in Ashes of Creation

Having a shortage of resources can be crucial to the development of a node and also your character`s growth. It can have an impact on not being able to craft an item or a higher rarity of tools and equipment that can hinder your growth. In this Ultimate Gathering Guide in Ashes of Creation.
Why is Gathering Crucial?

First off in our Ultimate Gathering Guide in Ashes of Creation is about why gathering is crucial? The items that are dropped by killing monsters are not common and can only be acquired through a certain chance. When equipment is dropped, its stats is also randomized, It could be low or good stats depending on your luck. Thus, This is where crafting takes priority. It gives the option to select the stats for your equipment. But most crafting materials take a ton of resources such as wood, steel, and other gatherable materials found in the game, making Gathering Crucial.
Experience Table Gathering Levels
Level | Experience Needed | Total Experience |
1 | 0 | 0 |
2 | 1600 | 1600 |
3 | 2000 | 3600 |
4 | 2800 | 6400 |
5 | 3600 | 10000 |
6 | 4400 | 14400 |
7 | 5200 | 19600 |
8 | 6000 | 25600 |
9 | 6800 | 32400 |
10 | 7600 | 40000 |
11 | 8400 | 48400 |
12 | 9200 | 57600 |
13 | 10000 | 67600 |
14 | 10800 | 78400 |
15 | 11600 | 90000 |
16 | 12400 | 102400 |
17 | 13200 | 115600 |
18 | 14000 | 129600 |
19 | 14800 | 144400 |
20 | 15600 | 160000 |
21 | 16400 | 176400 |
22 | 17200 | 193600 |
23 | 18000 | 211600 |
24 | 18800 | 130400 |
25 | 19600 | 250000 |
26 | 20400 | 270400 |
27 | 21200 | 291600 |
28 | 22000 | 313600 |
29 | 22800 | 336400 |
30 | 23600 | 360000 |
31 | 24400 | 384400 |
32 | 25200 | 409600 |
33 | 26000 | 435600 |
34 | 26800 | 462400 |
35 | 27600 | 490000 |
36 | 28400 | 518400 |
37 | 29200 | 547600 |
38 | 30000 | 577600 |
39 | 30800 | 608400 |
40 | 31600 | 640000 |
41 | 32400 | 672400 |
42 | 33200 | 705600 |
43 | 34000 | 739600 |
44 | 34800 | 774400 |
45 | 35600 | 810000 |
46 | 36400 | 846400 |
47 | 37200 | 883600 |
48 | 38000 | 921600 |
49 | 38800 | 960400 |
50 | 39600 | 1000000 |
Levelling your Gathering can acquire new certifications that enable you to craft much higher rarity of item or equipment. It has also its perks. The higher the lever the greater the perks.
Gathering Perks

Artisan Gear and consumables can increase the stats of a particular Gathering Skills. There are 4 Gathering Skills. Quantity Rating, which increases the chance to get additional items while gathering, Rarity Rating, enhances the chance to gather more rarity items, Speed Rating, which Boosts the speed of gathering, Xp Rating, increases the Xp gained during gathering. You can press “H" so you can open your artisan tab where the stats is shown to you,
Gathering Tools

As the current state of the game, There are 5 tools for 5 different gathering methods. These are Bow (hunting), Fishing Pole (Fishing), Pickaxe (Mining), Sickle (Herbalism) and Axe (Lumberjacking). During the beginning quests, You acquire all of the tools with the Novice rarity. Take note that you can only upgrade your Gathering Tools through Crafting and cannot be bought or traded with other players.

To gather higher rarity of items, the tool used must be on the same rarity or higher. So Make sure that you must upgrade your gathering tools and don`t leave them at novice level if you want to craft much higher equipment later on in the game.
Artisan Gear (Gathering Profession)

Each Gathering Skill has its own unique Artisan Gear and it consists of 3 parts. Shirt, Pants, and Tool Belt. Also, there are 3 levels of Gathering Profession. At the Novice Level, you can equip a Shirt only. At Apprentice Level you can equip Shirt and Pants and at the Journeyman Level, You can equip 3 artisan gear all at once. Artisan Gear also gives general stats aside from giving the Gathering Skill stats mentioned earlier.

Bags serve as storage for your gathered materials. There are different types of Bags but resources can be stored on any bag. These bags are Mining, Fishing, Lumberjacking, Herbalism, and Hunting Bag. But a quick tip for you is that the Mining Bag is the most efficient since it has a larger size compared to the other bags.

There are three types of consumables that can increase your efficiency of gathering. These are Scrolls, Elixirs, Food and Pylons. Each of them have their specific effect which will be discussed below.

Scrolls provide a gathering XP buff for 3 hours. There are Scroll of Mining wherein it increases your Mining XP. Novice and Journeyman Rarity of Scrolls can be bought from mining vendors. Another type of scrolls are like a general version which is a Gathering Experience Scroll. However, Novice level of rarity can only be bought from the laboratory and to craft the apprentice level and journeyman level of the same scroll it can be done through crafting with scribes. Take note that these scrolls do not require a high level of gathering skill. They can be bought for a Novice gathering level.

These consumables can be crafted by alchemists found in laboratories in tier 3 or Higher. The general buff for gathering is quite tedious since it requires 5 different tier-3 materials. On the other hand, the specialized gathering elixir only requires 3 ingredients wherein the 2 is purchased only from the vendor.

Food made by cooks are a buff that increases the rarity rating of the gathering. Same with elixirs, there are general food which gives buff for general gatherings and a specialized one for a specialized gathering type buff. Also, the higher the rarity of the food buff the more complex the ingredients are but Food buffs also give combat buffs as a side bonus and it lasts 60 minutes so crafting it is quite worth it.

This is a placable item on the ground that has an Area of Effect buff within the radius of it. Pylons also has two types, A general one and a specialized one. The higher rarity of the pylons the greater the increase in gathering stats.
Mounts and Archetypes

Gathering takes a lot of movement since you will be roaming around the map looking for gathering sources or nodes. It is best to take a good and fast mount to traverse faster. Also, A ranger archetype has a 10 percent movement speed buff and a skill that can also increase 20 percent speed. Also, rangers have a skill to climb terrains to further access nodes for gathering.
Node Buff

While looking for Node resources for your gathering. Make sure to check the status effect of your character found on the top of your screen. Sometimes node’s location have a buff which increases the speed of gathering.
Certification Level

Each 10-level gathering grants a certification level. So a certification grants the character to craft higher-tier tools. Once equipped, these tools are improved version that further increases the speed, rarity, and quantity of gathering. It also increases your progression rate by a large margin. You are half-way through the Ultimate Gathering Guide in Ashes of Creation, let’s continue!
Gathering Types

Now I will discuss the different gathering types that you can do as of the alpha 2 of Ashes of Creation. This could change in the future or some new gathering method can be added in to the game.

Lumberjacking is the easiest gathering type since trees are found easily from afar and they are abundant in almost every terrain. Also, Lumberjacking is used in milling, carpentry, farming, metalworking, and scribing and also serves as a fuel for processing. There are six types of trees found around the world of Ashes of Creation.
Tier 1 Trees (Oak, Ashi, Western Larch, Eastern Hemlock)

Oak is found almost everywhere and it is considered to be the most common.

Ashi is the second most common and can be found also easily alongside oak

Western Larch is a rarer type of tree in this tier and they can be found along the mountains and in the northern and northwestern parts of the map

Eastern hemlock is the rarest in terms of tier 1 trees. They spawn at the same location as the western larch and western larch and eastern hemlock are adolescent trees and you can only gather 2 pieces of wood per tree.
Tier 2 Trees (Weeping Willow)

Weeping willows are found in two to three numbers only while walking or traversing the map. Such trees are hard to find since there are no clusters of them. However, they are easy to spot because of the color of the leaves and the shape of the tree.
Tier 3 Tree (Braidwood)

Same as the weeping willow you cannot find a cluster of this since they spawn randomly across the map.

Mining lets you gather various types of ores, stones, and gems. Mining synergizes with metalworking, stone masonry, and weapon and armor crafting. To power level mining, focus on the tier 1 stones for easy experience.
Novice Mining Level

Novice miners can mine basalt, granite, zinc, copper, and ruby. Basalt and Granite are easy to find. However, when it comes to copper and zinc, you can only detect them through heat maps and these two resources are viable for crafting and processing skills.
Apprentice Mining Level

Upon reaching this level, Miners can get slate, tin, emerald, and halcyonite.
Journeyman Mining Level

In the final stage of mining, miners can unlock mining of Limestone, Wyrdstone, Iron, Lumadon, and Sapphire where it is considered a higher rarity of gems.

A method of gathering that focuses on plants. The plants are commonly used in weaving, tailoring, alchemy, cooking, and other artisan professions. The difficulty of this gathering type is the same as mining.
Novice Herbalism Level

Novices can gather daffodils, snowdrops, and flax. they are tier-1 herbalism items and are easy to find around the map. The difference is flax is much harder to get in abundance since they do not spawn in clusters. But, They can be planted and harvested through buying flax seeds from a vendor.
Apprentice Herbalism Level

Players can gather Giant Bluebell and Moonbell in this level.
Journeyman Herbalism Level

Players can gather Grave Lily, Blood-Boiled Spiritbloom, Gloomy Pross Petals, and Spindlevine.

Hunting allows players to hunt animals and gather their remains for loot. Animal parts are used for cooking, tanning, and leatherworking. Hunting is more challenging compared to other gathering types due to the animals are lower in number compared to other gatherable resources. Also, Extensive traveling is also considered in order to find a huntable animal.
Animals for Mounts

These animals when gathered can serve and be trained as mounts. These are Horses and Pallas Cat,
Animals for Mount or Carcass

These animals when stained provided carcass that gives loot that can be used for food or leathermaking. These are bears and wolves.
Animals only for Carcass

These animals will provide only a carcass or a corpse when encountered. These animals are ravens, grams, and spiders.

Fishing allows the player to catch and cook the fish for consumption or other uses in cooking. There are two types of fishing, freshwater fishing and deep-sea fishing. However, Freshwater fishing is the only type in the current state of the game. All of the players can afk while fishing but there is a 30 minute time limit before the game logged you out.

There are 4 fish that are existing in the game. These are Largemouth Bass, Bluegill, Salmon, and Lamprey. Largemouth Bass and Bluegill can be caught by a Novice Level. A Salmon by Apprentice Level and a lamprey by a Journeyman level.

There are pylons for fishing that increase the rarity chance since experience is based on the rarity of the fish.

If you have still difficulties in gathering a specific item. We have made an interactive map that can be filtered and show you the spots on the different node resources in the map. It is a helpful way to reduce the time to find a good spot for your gathering business. This is the link to the map and feel free to use it for your adventures!

That`s all for our Ultimate Gathering Guide in Ashes of Creation. We hope that we helped you and guided you in what you are looking for! I hope that Ashes of Creation’s future implementations can include more gatherable materials or even unique methods! Also, you can interact with us through our Discord.