Draining Poison

Draining Poison
5 Mana
20s Cooldown
Gain NSLOCTEXT("[1909495A4C2095068D406C9D33F90055]", "277E716141AE4A25BF62CD93FA4D64AE", "Draining Poison")
Draining Poison: Your damaging abilities and 3 specific hits in each melee weapon combo will drain mana from your target, granting it to you. The amount drained is equal to 100% of the damage done by the attack.

Each hit also applies Poisoned.

Only one type of poison can be applied to your weapons at a time. Lasts 10 seconds.
Poisoned: Deals (4%) Health per stack, every 2 seconds. Lasts 20 seconds. Stacks up to 10 times. Does not waken Incapacitated targets.
Incapacitated: Can not move or act. This effect breaks on damage taken.
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